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Third Person Pov

Since you don't know what will happen soon. You followed Takemichi. Well you, stalked. That's the right word.

Well these past month is all been him healing himself and finding you. Your Dad understood that you're hiding so when Takemichi reached out in him he acted so surprised and shock and worried while you were chuckling.

"He's the best"


"Welcome to Just Bake Bakery and Cafe!"

You said gleefully and smiled at the costumer. The costumer sat down and you took their orders and just did your job.

These past months you've been helping with your Dad' s Bakery which he doesn't mind at all. You tried baking but ended up about to burn the bakery down so you just settled on catering the costumers while your Dad is on the kitchen.

"Thank you for coming. Please come again!"

"Aren't you tired?" You heard your Dad voice behind you as you stretch. "Nope. This is relaxing actually" you replied and you both heard the bell chimed.

A big ass person went in. Not fat but big build and he's also tall. "Oh hello, Jin-kun" you waved your hands and he smiled timidly. "Up till now, I'm still shocked how you tamed that person" your Dad whispered and you chuckled.

"Hello, Y/N-sama" he replied and you cringe with the name he gave you. You tried to make him stop but he didn't.

Kang Jin, a tall ass Korean guy who is naturalized here in Japan. He doesn't speak Korean but understand it. He is more fluent in Nihonggo. He is a troublemaker outside of your Dad's Bakery that's why people can't go inside and try your Dad's work.

One day you just went into his life just by flying and straight up kicking his chin which made him flew too. And according to him, he saw a scary person willing to protect everything that is close to her. So now he work as a guard in the Bakery and he doesn't accept any pay.

Well technically he guard you but since you're working in this Bakery he also said that it's his duty to guard anything close to you.

Despite the big appearance you learned that this person is a softie. Like literally. He got bunny keychain. You went into his place and find some stuffed toy. And some replicas of bunny. He got a thing for bunny.

One day, you just went and bought him a bunny to take care to. In which he did. He always update you with everything the bunny do. You just chuckled.

"And before I forgot. Takemichi is talking to some people earlier" he said which made your ears perk. "Continue" you ordered. "The boy was in a blond hair and blue eyes and the other was taller and had a long black hair" he replied. "Oho?" You raised a brow.

"And I heard that they're making a new gang" he said making you look at him. "Did the two agreed?" You asked. "Well yes apparently he said "So wait for us okay, partner" and your cousin cried as he always do these past month I observed him" he reported and you laugh.

Yes, you're making this big guy observe your cousin.

"Thanks, Jin-kun" you said. "Anything for you Y/N-sama" he replied and you again, cringed.

"And these past few days the three has been gathering people in which I observe they knew" he added and you nodded. "Maybe those old gang members" you whispered. "Just keep observing him. It's a great help" you said and he nodded.

"And they're wearing those cat printed t-shirts" he added ang you cough before laughing. "Probably Chifuyu's idea" you wiped your tear. And you went back cleaning.

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