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Third Person Pov

At the whole freaking day you followed Takemichi since it is the time he'll go back in past after Akkun committed suicide and knowing Draken died on August 3rd.

"Y/N-chan wanna go out with me?" Hina offered you and then smiled. "Sorry Hina. I got business to do today" You turn her down politely.

'Beside we'll meet each other sooner this night' you thought.

And she nodded and pouted. "Oh. Okay" she sounded disappointed. "Ehehehe I'm really sorry" You felt guilty. "Oh no. It's ok" she waved her hands dismissively and gave you a reassuring smile.

"Well then I have to go now" she turned her back. "Take care Hina-chan" You waved your hands and when you confirmed she is gone you went on the girls locker room and changed you appearance.

And there you saw Takemichi. When you thought that he is already stupid but you didn't think that he'll get more stupider when his present self wasn't around. You sighed and shook your head.

He went inside a building. A host building. You straighten you lips and waited for him outside. Your sure that this will lose his already lost wits when he saw Emma.

And soon enough you saw a guy screaming while running. You grabbed the back of his collar and he looked at you about to punch when his eyes widened.

'Y/N--no Namaenonai" he corrected himself. You nodded. "I know your back" You said and let go of him and you started to walk.

"Ah naked girl was in there. I'll make sure Hina won't know about this" he mumbles.

"What?" Hina's angelic voice filled your ears. And you swear on Satan. If the art manage to make you laugh what's more when you experienced it in real life.

"Pfft" you tried to stifle a laugh. This is epic. Takemichi's expression is just something. And then Hina lean closer to him.

"Hmm you're the 'adult Takemichi' today" she said taking Takemichi aback. He looked at you. You shook your head indicating that you didn't tell anything on her.

"Ahh this is Namaenonai. Namae-san this is Hina-chan my girlfriend" he introduced you to each other. "Nice to meet you I am Tachibana Hinata" she gave you her best smile. But you, playing some character today just nodded.

"Hello Draken?" You both looked at Takemichi. A pause.

"I am ahh. Uhh.. Ahh"

Slight long pause.

"But today is a ba-"

Beep beep beep.

"What was it?" You ask. "Draken-kun want to meet us" He replied. "How about her?" You jabbed a finger on Hinata. "I'll come along with you" she replied. "You serious?" Takemichi ask her and she nodded.

So you all started to walk away. You back away a little giving them space for their own lovey dovey. And soon enough you all in place.

Motorbikes noise can be heard. "Are you sure this is the place?" Hina ask his beloved. "Y-yeah" he replied. 'This motherfucker be stuttering' you rolled your eyes.

Soon motorbikes can be seen and some guy went to you. "This ain't a fucking exhibition! Get outta here!" He said while approaching you.

Hina went to Takemichi while some clutched your and Takemichi's collar. And soon enough just like the plot, Mitsuya Takashi made his entrance.

"Takemitchy and Namae-chin?" He asked and kicked the guy who clutched you on ass. "How dare you threaten the President's guests?" He asked and looked at you three.

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