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Third Person Pov

As the manga did they had a meeting along with that is your introduction as a member in Tenjiku.


Kakucho shouted. You just lazily looked at them. "Aren't you gonna say anything?" Ran asked you. You sighed. "Thanks for having me...?" You gave an awkward smile.

"A GIRL!?"

"YOU BITCH YOU'RE KING ISN'T DESPERATE ENOUGH TO KIDNAP ME IF I CAN'T FIGHT. USE YOUR BRAIN SOMETIMES!" You released your frustration at your unknown co-member.

They shut up. You tapping your foot as your look at nowhere. Then you looked anywhere. "Yah looking for me?" Hanma appeared on your right. "No." You replied.

'Seems like Muto is still cosplaying as a Toman'

"Seems like Toman is already planning on invading Yokohama" you whispered as you snicker.

After Toman's meeting.

"Takemitchi!" Mikey called the blonde. "Mikey-kun?" He replied. "I didn't saw Namae-chin, do you know where he is?" He asked and Takemichi shut up.

'Y/N is still not coming home. Is everything really fine?'

"I didn't saw him too after the last meeting" he replied and they nodded. "Hope he can make it in Yokohama as his debut" Baji smirked. Just like others he is also patch up. "Yeah. I wanna see he--him in action again" Draken stated.

Takemichi looked at the half bald. 'Does he know something. I'm sure he is about to say her not him' he looked away as Draken looked at him. 'Y/N where really are you?' He thought.

'We also have a 'thing' in our base that will surprise you'

Suddenly Kisaki's voice boomed on his mind and he tapped Chifuyu. "I think Tenjiku had Y/N" he whispered and Chifuyu looked at him with shocked expression.

"What do you mean?" He asked. "Kisaki said something like a 'thing' on them that will surprise me" he answered. Takemichi and Chifuyu stood silence.

They can't tell it to Baji since he still need to rest.

"But before that you need to go to the future" Chifuyu said and Takemichi nodded and went to Hina's house as his mind filled with questions.


Takemichi and Naoto are discussing about Kisaki's 'ability'.

"I wonder what Kisaki's aim in the past in this moment. 12 years ago he formed 'Tenjiku' and tried to take over Toman but in future police doesn't even know about Tenjiku and Kisaki died." Naoto excuse explained.

"So he failed? Hm. Izana Kurokawa?" He looked at the picture. "Ahhh Naoto who is that guy over there?!" He stood up and pointed at the guy. "Oh him. He us supposed to be Toman's top brass" he replied. "A former Black Dragon, I believe" Naoto added.

And Takemichi did his investigation too.

"Keep it down. So he might rest in peace. After he died I came here everyday. I wonder if Hakkai is still weakling even in heaven. Amen"

"Taiju-kun?!" He looked shocked at the big guy. The oldest Shiba stood uo giving the black his signature smirk. "They are all dead. How've you've been Hanagaki?" He asked.

"C-can I talk to you? It's about Izana Kurokawa and Black Dragon. It's very important" he stuttered.

Ending the trio in a resto.

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