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Third Person Pov


You looked at your cousin who continuously punching a tire and you just letting him punch it to cool off. You just lied on the ground. Arms and legs wide open as if your making a snow angel. You closed your eyes. Letting the rain hitting your face.

"You protected Mikey for getting killed"

Your tightly closed your eyes remembering it again. "I told myself not to be a burden but I just did" you laughed sarcastically. He still punching the tire. You sat down. Not caring about the dirt from your back and hair and saw a figures.

"Chifuyu and Baji" you said. Takemichi not noticing and just yelling at the innocent tire.


The two approached you too. "The hell you too doing?" Chifuyu approached. "You too look depressed" Baji said. "Chifuyu, Baji-san?!" Takemichi was shocked.

"Why you two here?" He asked. You stood up and stretched. "We were heading to your home only to see you and your cousin in a depressed state" he said.

"Let us be!"
You yelled.
"Shut up! I'm busy. I don't have time to play around!"
He yelled.

Yes you both yelled at the same time causing the two to have an irk mark on their faces. "What's up with you two?" Baji said popping his knuckles. "Im training right now so I can be stronger than anyone!" Takemichi punched the tire once again.

And soon the two realizes that the Takemichi right now is a the one that from future. Ending the four of you to talk about what happened from there. You closed your eyes again as Takemichi said the lines again.

"Whaaaat? Everyone is dead and Mikey is behind it all?!" Chifuyu opened his arms wide. "Wow that was a bad future right there" Baji said. They also wet right now.

Takemichi once again punched the tire while mumbling some words. "Hey. Lemme see your hands" Chifuyu stopped his arms. "The heck. There's too much blood!" Baji said. "Why you didn't stop him?" He turned to look at you.

"I'm use at treating his wound so no biggies" you dead panned. "Have you've been punching that all day?" The Chifuyu asked the blonde. Takemichi ignoring him and the pain, once again punched the tires while muttering words and Chifiyu stopping him.

"Hey stop that" Baji said dangerously low. Chifuyu throwing him. And hik crying about not having an idea to change the future. "Chifuyu. This sucks. It's so depressing. Having Y/N died on my arms. Up till now I can still feel her dying body. It's hurt so much" he cried and Baji looked at you while Chifuyu sat down.

"It's kinda uncomfortable seeing you here and him talking about your death" Baji said. "If you're uncomfortable, how about me?" You replied rolling your eyes.

"It's really a shitty future but I'm happy because I got to see you again!" Chifuyu smiled. "Yeah Takemichi!" Baji agreed. "We thought that we wouldn't see each other again, remember?" Chifuyu added and followed by a silence.

You again slowly sneak your way out. Knowing that they will soon end up in a bath house. And them being used of you disappearing just shrugged it off.

You went back to your house and cleaned yourself and soon getting out again to eat something. You went inside a ramen store only to find Draken and Mikey there.

You looked at the Sano then you dead panned. "What's with the look, Y/N-chin?" He asked as Draken slurped his ramen. You shook your head and looked at the ramen served to you suddenly remembering someone.

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