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Third Person Pov

You woke up with your Mom yelling downstairs and so you did and groggily stood up and went down.

"Oiiii here comes my Princess" your Dad said as you giggled and jumped into him. You're parents smiled as they looked at their child.

"Come on now. School's not gonna wait for yah kid" your Dad said and you immediately went to the dining to eat and took a bath before your Dad and Mom dropped you off.

They are both working. Your Mom owning a Bakery and your Dad as an Police Official.

(They're your real Parents)

You just entered it and started your own class in which you got a seat mate named Kisaki. He's smart and cold and distant and harsh so you don't really talk to him that much.

"Hey do you got some extra pencil?" He asked you for the first time you're together in room.

"I believe I have, wait" you said and handled him a spare. "Thanks, I'll return it later" he said and you shook your head. "No need" you smiled and went back copying what's written on board.

Hina saw this and approached the ravenette and bump him in his side. "You're crush?" She teased and the Kisaki just rolled his eyes.

He got his eyes on Hina, after all.

You just shrugged and funny because they seemed to be a familiar. The first ever feeling that you felt when Kisaki introduced himself was anger. You don't know why and when you saw Hina with him, you felt comfort.

You are all about to graduate after all.

The usual, your Mom picked you since your Dad is going to be at home by 7 or 8 she got the task of picking you up. She's not complaining but sure her husband does.

"She have a more time with you rather than me. And here I thought she's gonna be a daddy's girl"

He always said, sulking in which your Mom just laughed to.

Graduation came.

You got some ranks and awards here and there but no one can beat the Kisaki Tetta. He's just so smart.

"Congratulations, seatmate" you greeted him in which he acknowledged. "Call me, Kisaki. Seatmate is kinda weird" he said and you agreed scratching your head. "Congratulations, Y/n!!!!" Hina hugged you and you returned.

"You too, Hina-hina" you said and she giggled by the nickname you gave her. As she always do.

You had a Vacation on Roponggi since your Uncle is living there. He's a cool uncle by the way. No wife, no kids just fun. But he got hooked on you.

And there you meet some strange men.

Ran and Rin.

Your uncle's business is weapon making, and his shop is really well known around the place so you met those two. And you took a part time cashier there.

Ran happen to buy his baton to him and Rin just accompanying his brother happened to know you too. Ran is mischievous while Rin is mysterious. You felt chills when you first saw them.

(Probably because of the little kidnap they did to you, back then)

"Weird sibling"

And coming back again to Shibuya since the middle school year is now opening for juniors and seniors.

In the whole time that Takemichi and Mikey trying to make their plan work they are trying to locate you too. But none of them knew how to find you.

"She's still even good at hiding now" Takemichi joked and Mikey chuckled. "Too good, actually" Mikey replied and they both looked at each other. "Maybe she's not here, anymore?" Takemichi slowly said and Mikey shook his head.

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