Baji Special

529 19 7

Ikaw Pa Rin by MRLD
Ligaya by MRLD

Third Person Pov

'Im outside'
-Love <3

You smiled seeing the text, you stretched a little and fixed your table and kept the papers on the lock since it is all confidential. Took off your coat and put it on your arm as you walk out of the office.

You went out and closed your clinic and saw him there with his motorbike.

Wearing his long lab coat. You chuckled at the scene. "You're still wearing your coat, Vet Keisuke" you teased and he smugly twirled.

"I still can't believe I graduated. Doctor Y/n" he replied and you rolled your eyes. "New thing. It's motorbike today" you said pertaining to his vehicle.

He usually pick you up with his car. "Car had a minor damage so I took it to a Shop" he replied. "Come on wear your coat" he eagerly said like a child and you did.

He started his motor and you hopped into it. He first gave you a helmet to wear.

"Grab my waist. It's gonna be a long ride" he said and you obliged. You secretly bite your lips feeling his toned stomach and smelling his manly scent.

Baji on the other hand secretly blushed feeling your chest into his back and the faint smell you have.

'Goddamn, this girl is mine'

He started the ride in which you enjoyed. Passing all the building, people, street light and many more. It's so windy.

He purposely sped up sometimes to make you hug him even tighter.

"Baji Keisuke!" You yelled in which he just laughed to. You all stopped in a mall. "Let's eat here" he said while guiding you down.

"Don't tell me we are wearing this?" You asked pertaining to lab coat you both have. "Of course. Let's brag about our career!" He cheered and dragged you. Good thing you didn't chose to wore heels today.

"Wow, they're both doctors"
"Look at them"
"Couple goals"

People around you seemed to notice you two wearing the same coat as you wander around the mall choosing where to eat.

"Do you have anything in mind?" He asked you. He always ask you first. Even if he is not fond of the food you have sometimes, he will still go.

"It's your choice for now" you said and he looked at you. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Yes" You softly replied. "I want arcade before eating" he said meekly and you chuckled.

"Then arcade it is" your turn to drag him.

'Goddamn, if this is a dream, don't you dare wake me up Kami-sama'

He thought.

"Soft" he said and you looked at him in a tilted head manner. "Come again?" You asked. "Your hand is so soft. I wanna hold it forever" he said you both blushed.

"Let's go to Arcade" you said and looked away, all flustered.

You went inside and bought some token and started your game. People around you gave some look, seeing two people in a lab coat walking and playing in an arcade.

Some people think your just cosplaying something. Some just didn't mind. Some are amazed.

"Let's eat now, Love" he cooed and you both heard his stomach growled in which you giggled to. He became red and walked away in shame before you get to tease him.


He didn't look.


He still didn't.

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