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Your Pov

And me knowing that Takemichi will time leap again in night. I just gave him a time for his girlfriend. Even if it is an accidental time leap Naoto will gave some info to him so I can tell him that part.

"Good morning Y/N- chan" Hina greeted me. I smiled and greeted her back of course with a compliment. She went on her seat so did I and started reading stuff.

"No I won't come with yah. You should enjoy yourselves" I politely took down Hina's offer and I went with the Mizo Squad.

"Ahh Y/N-sama" Yamagishi
"Yo Y/N" Makoto
"Hello Ryoka-san" Takuya
"Wanna come?" Akkun offered. I nodded. "Gotta give some space from those lovey dovey" I replied and they all looked at the two on the bench.

I all ate my bento and them being dork stole some food from mine. And since I believe the in life there's give and take, I also did the same.

"Give and take bitches" I said as I steal food on Makoto. "Ah hahaha Takuya doesn't have any" Yamagishi laugh. "You ate it all!" Takuya gave him a deadpanned look.

"Here" I offer him some of my extra snack. "Thanks Ryoka-san" he smiled.

Ugh. I feel attacked. This is an emergency.

"A-ah are you ok?" Akkun hurriedly stood up and you look at him. "Nosebleed!"Yamagishi said. I touch my nose.

'Great you just embarrassed yourself Y/N! GIVE IT UP FOR ME EVERYONE!'

"What the heck happened to you?" Yamagishi asked. "Heat? Too much studying or reading? I dunno" Yes I lied swiftly people.

Me being a scammer in past life really helped a lot now huh? You got a good use Miguel. I chuckled.

"Are you really ok?" Akkun ask. "I need a rest" I replied and they nodded. I bow down. "Sorry for ruining your appetite" I apologized. "Ah no it's not your fault. You want us to accompany you?" He replied, I shake my head.

"It's ok, besides clinic's not that far" I replied and went away before I stop. "And yes, you can eat my bento" I added.

I went inside the clinic and flopped down. "Let me rest Miku-san" I plead at the nurse. "Ok ok well, there's some books there" she pointed the shelves and I nodded. "You're the best Miku-san" I replied. I snuggled some pillow and slept the whole afternoon.


"Hey it's time to go."

I slowly opened my eyes and I saw some boobs. "Miku-san your boobs" I mumble and she chuckled. "Come on wake up" she tapped my cheeks more and I stretched and thanked her before going to my room. I took my bag and went to the locker and took out my phone.


'Studying at Hina's house'

I expected this so I went on my job. Im just peacefully doing what I always do when I noticed the figure still doesn't leave. He's been here like an hour ago. I quietly went to his back and this proportion seems to be familiar.

And there I saw him stuffing foods on his shirt. I sigh and approached him gently.

"You think you can carry all that?" I asked him. And he turned around. Ah that is why it is familiar. Black hair with blonde dyed in the middle. "Yah hungry?" I asked again.

"How dull~ I got caught" he said playfully. I look at him. "Yeah no need to state the obvious" I replied. His visual really doesn't disappoint.

"Tehee~ Done checking me out?" He asked and I secretly blushed. "You wish" I replied and played it cool. I look at him and he is about to return them.

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