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Third Person Pov

As Takemichi is being confuse of what's happening on the present, you're preparing for the fight at the past.

The three guys surrounded you. You just stood there still and feeling their presence just like you did when your stealing at some house in your past life. And as you did it, everyone's voice became muted and your only focused is on the three who is now wanting to kill you.

And as if on cue, you caught the person who tried to kicked the side of your head. While holding his ankle you kicked his face. A sound of breaking nose can be heard before you elbowed the top of his knee cap repeatedly.

And threw him and looked at the two. The other one attacked you with a knife. You swiftly dodge it and the other yanked you hair. And the two of them laughed. You chuckled and as you slither your right foot into his and as you fall down you elbowed his diaphragm causing his figure to form like a fetus clutching the pained part.

While you're busy playing with your playmates, Kazutora along with the other which is Chouji, Chonbo and Chome entered and became intrigued at the commotion, they went beside Hanma who is grinning widely while looking at you.

They followed where the heck Hanma is looking at saw you skillfully play your games.

The other one is screaming while attempting to stab you. He is using his right hand. When his legs became apart that is when you split inside of it but knee doesn't fully go flat dragging him with you by tugging his shirt causing him to sit on your bended knee and hitting his most crucial part.

Ignoring the pain he felt he tried to jabbed you and you dodged but he manage you cut you lightly in upper cheek making you clicked your tongue and grabbed his head and banged his head three times on left side causing him to passed out.

"Motherfucker be trying to murder me" you huffed in annoyance as you wiped the blood on your pained cheek. Hanma clapped his hands while the other looked at you with fear evident on their eyes.

"You don't have mercy" another voice chimed in and that's when he made his entrance.

Kazutora Hanemiya
Valhalla's No. 3

And other three following him.

Kureiji Chome

Chonbo Kureiji

Ahane 'Chouji' Choji

"I'm already prepared for this so here" Hanma tossed you a Valhalla's jacket and you caught it before putting it on your shoulder. "Aren't you Takemichi's cousin?" The guy with a hoodie and black mask, Chouji asked. "Yeah why?" You shrugged.

"Takemichi is one of Toman" Chonbo said. "And?" You raised a brow. "We're gonna crush them" Chome chimed in and you laugh. "So?" You asked again.

"You're not worried?" Kazutora ask. "Why would I?" You asked back. "Are you sure you're not a spy?" Chouji asked again. "You seem to be investigating my cousin so you must be aware that I didn't get too much interaction with them" you looked at him.

"You're crazy" Hanma said making you chuckle. "Aren't you gonna congratulate me?" You asked and he laughed. "My bad. Well then congratulations and welcome to Valhalla, Ryoka" He said and the crowd began to go wild.

Meanwhile in present Takemichi who just got to know that he dumped Hina before went into the men's bathroom and splashed water on his face can't believe for the fact that he dumped his beloved Hina.

"I gotta change. I'm gonna ask her out!"

He put his determined face and stomped out of the bathroom when he bumped inti something or rather someone. "Oh you're not in the car?" He asked and Takemichi looked at him.

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