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Takemichi Pov

After I shake my hands with Naoto I went back to the present.

"You leaped through time!" A boy who look like a mature version of Naoto and also a guy said that he is Naoto said to me.

"Ha-a" I looked around. So I'm still alive and those things that happened was real.

"Takemichi-kun with your time leap, change the future" he said with a determined face.

"12 years ago you said to me that I should protect my sister so I became a detective in order to protect her" he said and I got some hope.

"T-then where is Tachibana?" I asked desperately. "Im sorry Takemichi-kun but my sister died"he said regretfully as if he is the one who killed Hina-chan.

Then he looked at me with determined eyes. Again.

"Please help me so we can save my sister" he said with determination. I gulp at his determined and serious gaze.

"I.... I can save T-tachibana?" I stuttered. Not really him but myself.

2 days later.

Naoto explained to me what does my ability can do but this guy.

This guy is cruel. He doesn't let get even just a wink of sleep. He basically drilled Toman's information on my skull.

"Is this really necessary to save Tachibana" I asked as I yawned. Forcing my heavy eyes on the computer screen.

Let me sleep!

But this guy didn't replied instead he started mumbling. How am I gonna understand that when my brain and body is about to shut down.

Please Naoto. Let me get some sleep.

"Please go back to the past and stop the meeting of those two certain people. Sano Manjiro and Kisaki Tetta they are the leader of Toman. If those didn't meet then the current Toman wouldn't exist and drag my sister and got killed" he explained.

So that's it huh. Im just gonna prevent those two from meeting. Sano Manjiro and Kisaki Tetta huh? They look so scary. How am I gonna face those two person when even if in picture they managed to scare the hell out of me.

And we talked more and soon enough I asked him.

"How am I gonna go back to the past?" I asked him. "Your time leaping has a trigger. When we shake our hands" he replied.

"Then shake hands with me. Maybe I am part of your ability since you save me" he added and looked at me.

"Are you ready?" He asked and I looked at him. He became a detective just to protect his sister well then I won't lose to you Naoto.

I will also save Tachibana.

I nodded. "Yeah"

He explained to me when will Kisaki arrived I nodded my head and he offered his hands.

"Please save my sister Takemichi-kun" I just nodded and accepted his hands and I feel like my soul left my body to possessed someone's body.



Shout were heard and I can't still processed what the hell is happening.

"HUHH?! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" I shouted,confused as I started rambling on my pocket to reach my phone.

"Wait a minute" I hastily requested and checked the date. July 6. Im busy being surprised on how Naoto figured out my ability that I got a good punch in the face.

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