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Third Person Pov

So basically this is the day when Takemichi found out about Hinata and Kisaki.

You on the other hand gave them privacy of course. While in the house you looked at yourself in the mirror. "I look like pudding" you said as you saw some brown roots growing.

"Guess I'll treat myself early this Christmas" you smirked at the idea growing into your mind.

You went out in a white turtleneck long sleeve, a black skinny jeans, ankle boots and black coat since its chilly. A white shoulder bag on your side and some beret.

"I'ma do some runway"

So you confidently went out and walk like you're in a runway. "This is quite relaxing" you huff and looked at your breath. Walk inside a mall and saw a salon.

"Let's get this piss hair out" you smirked and went inside. They greeted you and you greet them back saying what you want as a hair color and they started working on it.

(So up there is the hair, if yah don't want it you can imagine anything *winks)

You just literally stayed there fidgeting with your finger. Playing with your phone.

'Today is the day where the head of Tachibana convinced Takemichi' you thought. "Ahm. Excuse me, how long it will still gonna take?" I asked the girl. "Just a little more ma'am" she smiled and you nodded.

After it was all done you went away and bought some blonde wig for your Namaenonai character and called Takemichi.

"Where are you?" You asked away after he answered it. "Cafe" he said and you scoffed and started looking for him.

And you thought about the close cafe in Tachibana's area and went there. And there you saw your dear cousin. Zoned out. You huff a breathe and sat down on his front and him still not noticing you.

"Yah good?" You gently asked and he slowly looked at you. "Eh?! EH?! You changed your hair?" He screamed and you rolled your eyes. "You talked to Hina's father, am I right?" I asked and he became silent again.

"He has a point. I can't really guarantee Hina's safety. I can't really be sure on not dragging Hina on my works" he replied and you just looked at him.

"Hina?" I said. "Huh?" He asked. "What do you think Hina's reaction will be? Can you really look at her crying face?" You asked looking at his blue orbs. He looked back down again. "I... I don't know" his shoulder began to shake. You sighed.


It's Christmas Eve tonight.

You looked at Takemichi, who really looked down. You shook your head and read your book. "Good luck" you said and he smiled. A sad one. "Yeah" he mumbles before going away.

You yawned and about to go into your bed when someone called you. "Hina?" You asked and pressed the answer button.

"He... He broke up with me" she said. You sighed. "Where are you?" You asked. "Convenience Store, at the one where you're working" she replied. "Stay there" you commanded and ended the call before she can answer.

You took off your pajamas and wore a shirt and jeans some boots and coats before skidding to her location. Seeing her in a umbrella you approached her.

You didn't say anything, you just hugged her. "I don't know about romance so I can't advice you anything but do you trust me?" You asked her. You can feel her nodding. "Then just have faith in Takemichi" you patted her head.

And she gripped your coat started ranting about your dear cousin as she cried. You just let her.

"I love him so much"
"I love her so much"

They both said in a different place but in the same time. When she stopped she looked at you. "I'm so sorry about my tears and your probably in between us" she sniff and you chuckled.

"It's okay. Now let's eat something shall we?" You smiled at her. "You're like Takemichi" she said as you two walked finding some good place to eat. "How come?" You asked while putting your hands on your coat. "You both act mature" she said and you raised a brow.

"I thought he act stupid" you smirked. "Hey. Don't say that" she glared at you and her eyes widened. "You changed your hair color?!" She asked and you nodded. "I just wanna treat myself early. It is that a big deal or it is bad?" You asked and she shook her head. "It does suites you" she smiled.

You both went inside a fast food and ordered your food as you looked outside. "He's gonna be battling with Taiju tomorrow" you opened and she looked at you. "You won't hit him right?" She asked and you chuckled.

"I'm having a different job to do tomorrow" you replied. "But if you want as a payment for breaking your heart I will" you wiggled your eyebrows and she laughed. "The truth is" she fiddles with her fingers. "Hmm?" You hummed as you sipped your drink.

"I did hit him earlier" she bit her lips and you laughed. "As expected, that's Tachibana Hinata for you" you shook your head as she pouted and look away. "He deserved that" you added and she started tearing up again.

"Oh come on. Cheer up Hinata." You smiled at her. "Thanks" she smiled and you patted her head. "Let's take you home" you held her hand and you two silently made you way out and to her house.

You keep glancing at her. Secretly of course. You caught her secretly wiping her tears. You sighed as you put your hands behind your hair. 'If this is the product of break up then it just proves that love is really scary' you thought.

'Kisaki killed, manipulated and bribed someone just for love. Koko became a money maker just for love. Takemichi didn't gave up just for love.' You thought and looked at the sky. "Mean" you whispered.

"Ahm. Hey, we're here" Hina's voiced stopped you from walking and looked back at her. "Oh sorry, I zoned out" you scratch your nape. "It's okay. Thanks for tonight" she smiled. "It's nothing, what are we friends for right" you winked at her. And she giggled. "Go now" you ushered her. She nodded and went up and looked back to you and waved.

You waved back before turning your heels and went away. You huff a breath and closed your eyes and saw a swing. You went there and started swinging.

"Takemichi will take every blow tomorrow. Kisaki and Hanma will betray him and Chifuyu. Gotta make sure Yuzuha don't stab that Taiju. Mitsuya, Mikey and Draken will be there too. I wonder about Baji" you looked at the stars.


Takemichi and you both met outside on your house.

"Where are you from?"
"Thought your home already"

You both said. "Hina called me" you replied. He nodded. "Takemichi, is Baji gonna join you?" You asked. "Yeah" he smiled and you sighed in relief. 'I thought he will be acting out if character again' you chuckled. "I over think too much" you chuckled.

"Hey you both really look broke tonight" you smirked and he made a disgusting face and teared up. "Hey. Now" you chuckled and opened the gate before you went inside and prepared some refreshments.

"Kisaki will betray you" you said and he looked at you. "Huh?!" He looked at you. "I've said it" you shrugged and drank you own drink.

"So that's what on his sleeve" he gripped the glass tightly. "Uh huh. Now stop gripping the glass and let's sleep" you finished your drink and put it on sink before washing it and putting it back.

"Good luck tomorrow" you patted his shoulder. "I'll do it for Hina. To change her future" he replied. Looking determined. You felt proud. 'For the people who does thing for love, you're really a rare one Takemichi' you thought and went inside your room, you changed your clothes and slept.


Yep. I did some cramming so hehe

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