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Your Pov

And so me and Takemichi went out to find Draken and there he is looking so fine than the day. This bitch. How the hell he became so tall. I glared at sky and mumble about being unfair.

"Hah? Bodyguard no way"
"Thank yo---Huh?"


"A bodyguard will be too annoying and besides what will you even good at?" he ask and looked at me. "Hello" I smiled. "Yo. What was your name again?" He ask. "Y/N. Ryoka Y/N" I replied and smiled again.

"Are you related to Ryoka Namaenonai?" He asked and I shook my head. "Who's that?" I asked back and he nodded. "Well then I'll go now" he said and went away.

Takemichi was about to lose hope, but knowing his determined mentality he wont give up just yet. "I'll trail him" he said and I just go with the flow. Buying groceries can wait.

We went inside the resto and Mikey complained his food because it doesn't have any flags in it. And my dear cousin here looks like a paranoid man. "I don't know if you really don't want them to fight or you just waiting for them to fight" I said slurping my shake.

And Draken being Mikey second guardian placed a flag and he ate happily. And again Draken complained and Takemichi looked at them again. I sigh.

'Calm down Y/N, Takemichi need to learn how important Draken is to Mikey'

I clenched my jaw and we went out and Takemichi trailing them. "I'm gonna buy some stuffs. Have fun tailing them" I tapped his shoulder and went away.

Hands in pockets and trying to look around for a good store. I walk aimlessly just like I always do.

I went inside some store and started picking necessary things to our humble house. While picking some snacks I saw the familiar figure again. I just shrugged and 'bumped' with him.

"Ahh I'm sorr--- Hanma?"
"Oh Ryoka"

I smiled and waved my hands. "Yah stealing again?" I asked and he smirked. "Nah" he replied and I just nodded. "Well then bye" I said and went away but he keeps tailing behind me which is good by the way. "Aren't you gonna stop?" I ask.

"What I'll buy some---"
"This is for a feminine area. What are yah gonna buy here?" I ask and he blushed. I laughed. "Priceless" I shook my head and started picking some of my 'things'.

"Where do you use this?" He showed me a feminine wash. I blow a fused and look away. "T-tch learn how to read" I replied before going away.

That motherfucker!

I went in the cashier and payed for them and went outside. There I saw him. "Need a lift?" He asked. I shrugged then nodded. "Sure. Just don't be too fast I got some on my hands today" I said and he nodded. "Roger that" he replied.

As we drive I am thinking about Takemichi. I know for now that he realize how Draken is important to Toman and especially Mikey. If Draken dies Mikey and Toman will crumble and Kisaki will make his entrance.

That bastard nerd!

"You good? You look like you want to murder someone" he said. I just smiled at him. "It's just a character from the book I read" I replied.

We'll it's the truth though. Funny enough I am close with the main one. Just why does destiny played at me and made me live in this fictional world.

Is is because of guilt of getting my parent early in my past life?

Nah. Blurry.

Is it because I suffer from a young age?

I'm still suffering here.

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