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December 2016
LA- 2a.m.

The night had been peaceful and fun, playing an online football game with the fellow Avengers, wining and doing a short work out just to get tired enough for a good night's sleep.

That is until the room had been filled with the damn ringtone, followed by groans and muffled curses.

The room went silence again, the man buried his face in the pillow, his bare back facing the ceiling while the sheets covered his lower body. One arm was stretched over the pillow while the other rested under it. He tried to go back to sleep but his groans soon filled the room again as soon as his ringtone played once again.

"Who the fuck calls people in the middle of the night?" He mumbled as he reached a hand over the nightstand, answering the phone without checking the caller ID.

"Hello?" He croaked out with a rough voice, evidence of a disturbed sleep present in both his tone and voice.

"Hey..." a husky voice reached him through the phone, greeting him with a stressed tone.

He rolled over, facing the ceiling, his eyes suddenly shot open at the hearing of the familiar female voice, while loud music played on the other side of the call.

"Scarlett? You ok?"

"Yeah...did I wake you?" She asked, her voice still troubled and stressed. The music was loud and somewhat disturbing.

"Where are you?" He asked as he sat up, shoving the sheets off of himself, leaving him in his boxers.

"Um, about that" she answered, "can you please come get me?"

"Get you? Aren't you in New York?" He asked, confused.

"No, I'm in LA."

"Oh, um, where are you again?" He asked, now getting a bit anxious.

"At a bar, don't know where exactly." She chuckled.

"Have you been drinking?" He huffed as he got up to put on descent clothes.

"Yeah" she chuckled again, a hint of stress still present in her chuckles.

"Gimme the address."

"Don't know." She told him, sounding troubled again.

"Where's your driver? Your Guard?"

"I'm alone." She mumbled, making it hard for him to hear her words. Of course , that was her intention.

"WHAT???" He almost shouted at her. Not letting her answer, "You send me the location right now."

He demanded as he rushed down the stairs from the second floor to first, grabbing his car keys and ended the call. It was rude. He was more than aware of that. But he feared if he continued the call he would get more mad and become harsh with her.

He walked out the house jogging to his car. He looked at his phone as it beeped, telling him he had received a text. It was a location. He started the car and drove to his destination.

A club, half an hour away.

He drove as fast as he could, upon reaching the club, he jumped out, tossing the key to the valet standing by the entrance, informing him that he would be back soon and he was there just to pick up a friend.

He walked in, looking around the club, searching for a certain blonde. Instead, he found a familiar hoody-wearing figure, his lips curving up in a smile as his eyes rested on the person and he made his way through the crowd.

Thankfully the club was dark and it was obvious the attendants were mostly drunk, helping him to get away from being recognized with a hoody. They had always had the same strategy to avoid public recognition, which had proven itself more than useless against paparazzis, but what more could they do to both blend in and stay unrecognized?

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