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Jumping to her feet, Scarlett ran to the stairs and all the way down and straight to the door only to find it open with Romain standing it the doorway, and Chris on the other side.
"Can I help you?"


Soon a pair of Ocean blue eyes fell on Scarlett, taking her appearance in as his eyes roamed around her body poorly covered in a nightgown and a pair of shorts he could barely see.
His eyes came to a stop at her frightened eyes, boring right into her soul.

Romain could feel his blood boil as he stared at the blonde in front of him. He knew. He always knew how the man envied him for having won Scarlett's love and affection and now, the tables had turned.
A spark of anger had flames burning his heart, how he'd lost the woman he adored and loved, how they had spent the night like king lost friends in separate rooms and no affection whatsoever.
"Can I help you?" He asked, voice laced with anger and not aware of Scarlett's presence behind him.

"You seem better now" Chris spat, clutching the food containers in his hand.

Before Romain could ask what he meant, Scarlett's shaky voice had him turning around with his brows jumping high as his eyes settled on her choice of clothing.

"I- I'm-... please, just come in" she pleaded, eyes tearing up. If it were the other way around, she'd showed up at his doorway only to find his ex, she would go mad. This looked very bad and she was very well aware of that.

Walking past Romain, Chris stepped in, eyes not leaving hers. He was angry but the first thing in his mind was to get her away from Romain's eyes.
Funny how he wanted to keep her away from her own husband. Romain he'd seen her like that, he'd seen her in a lot less.
Chris hadn't.
His mind was blowing up at how confusing this whole thing felt.
His heart was torn to two pieces, half wanting to scream and shout before storming out while the other wanted to pull her to her bedroom and lock her up with him alone, away from Romain.

"Daddy?" Hearing Rose call out for him with her small voice had Romain tearing his gaze away from Scarlett. Against his will, he pushed the door close and walked away to the living room. Scarlett took a small breath in relief.

"Can we talk?" She asked weakly "Please?"
Chris stared at her in anger but nodded. "In my roomy?" She asked, wanting to keep the two men away from each other.

With a curt nod, he turned to the stairs and waited for her to take the lead before following behind. They walked to her bed in silent, Scarlett feeling his eyes bore a hole in the back of her head. He watched her walk in the room to her bed before turning to him with wide eyes. She was visibly stressed and that scared him more. He watched her fiddle with her fingers, before finally losing all patience.

Slamming the door behind him, he barked "You wanna tell me? Or are we waiting for your husband?"
He didn't mean for the words to bite but he felt a rage he couldn't control.
Scarlett bit her lip before her shaky voice came out "It's not like that. I swear"

Chris closed his eyes, pinching his nose "It wasn't like that with you kissing Colin at a bar and it's not like that with Romain opening the door on the day you said you felt under the weather and you're practically wearing nothing!"
He snapped louder than he wanted to "You're nearly naked!"
Scarlett looked down, having found nothing to blame him for, he was right.
The nightgown barely covered her body and the shorts were so short she could barely see them under the gown

"Chris..." she breathed but he cut her off "No!"
He was turning red and that scared Scarlett "You don't get to talk right now!"
He walked closer to her, making her take a step back before biting the bed. She looked at him with dilated eyes "I'm so fucking angry at you! You told me he'd come over to pick Rose up in the morning not stay over in his pjs! And you!"
He pointed at her and Scarlett had a hard time balancing herself "Looking like this!" He felt his heart burn with anger
"What are you doing to me? Are you playing with me? Is this shit not real to you???" He asked, angrily and desperate at the same time.

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