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Happy Holidays everyone!
Hope everyone's doing great!
And I also hope that you'll enjoy this one:))


Scarlett woke up to the feeling of a light breeze against her skin.
She reached out her arm to find Chris only to find the bed empty and cold.
She sat up, looking around the empty room.

Her eyes roamed around the space surrounding her, finding the balcony's door open, siting on a chair, looking troubled and somehow sad was Chris Evans.

Scarlett got up from the bed with the the bedsheets wrapped around her delicate figure.

The weather wasn't cold and she wasn't naked, but it was breezy and her legs were bare as she was only wearing a t-shirt and boxers, leaving trails of fresh raising berries on her milky skin.

She walked to the balcony and stepped out, inhaling the refreshing air.

"Hey." She whispered and Chris turned around to face her.
"Hi, did I wake you?" His tone was concerned and got her to smile.
"No, the cold breeze did." She smiled as she walked over to him.

He spread his arms, gesturing her to sit on his laps and she accepted his embrace without any hesitation.
She curled up on his laps and he planted soft kisses on her temple.
"You wanna talk about it?" She asked him as she tilted her head to meet his eyes with her.
He sighed and turned around.

"Remember when I told you why I didn't want to get physical for now?"
He asked her without looking at her.
Scarlett nodded and waited for him to continue. "Well, that wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole reason either." His honest words took Scarlett back, wanting to ask but waited as he appeared to collect his mind. "You know my parents were separated before they got the divorce, right?"
He looked at her and she nodded again.

"Well, Scott and I were staying with my dad for a while. We were going to school and we had both joined sport teams. We'd spend the afternoons at practice but one day, I had a fever and the couch told me to head back home."
He turned his gaze away "I walked in the and saw my dad with someone else, a girl from his office and they were closer than I'd like them to be" his tone was sad and Scarlett reached her hand to cup her cheek
"I'm sorry Chris." He looked at her and smiled politely

"Did you...um, we're they..." Scarlett trailed of as she didn't know how to continue.
"No, it wasn't like that. They were just- uh, kissing."
He assured her "and I was almost eighteen so there wouldn't have been much surprises, you know, with the birds and bees talk"
He chuckled and she joined him.

"But you know, we all thought our parents were just in need of a break and they'd get back together after a while. But that..." he sighed "when I saw my dad with someone else, I knew he was moving on." He looked down

"Chris, I'm so sorry."

He continued "you know, that's the time I realized my parents were over, they weren't going to get back together and for some reason, I thought it was because of her. I was old enough to know it was my parents choice but I somehow felt if my dad hadn't meet her, he wouldn't have moved on that fast. They didn't work out and my dad got married to someone else but still, the disturbing feeling didn't leave me."

Scarlett kissed his cheek and stroke the other with her thumb.
He looked her in the eyes before spoke again
"Scar, I don't wanna be that guy to Rose." Scarlett's eyes sparkled
"I don't know how much of this she will remember when she grows up and becomes a teenager, but I don't ever want her to think I was the reason her parents didn't work out."

The sincerity in his tone and the hint of sadness in his eyes got Scarlett to pull herself up and peck his lips with her.

"Believe me, she will never think of you like that!" She assured him
"You don't even kiss me when she's with us, do you really think she will ever question us?"
She asked him with a sweet smile.
"I sure hope not" he told her and got himself another peck on the lips.

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