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I'm gonna go ahead and say I'm a fan of Chris' beard covered chin:)

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April 2017

"For the love of god, would you just get this over with?"
Scarlett was angry and irritated.

The divorcing process was tiresome and Romain had been coming up with different reasons to get Rose's custody.
The newest ones were extremely disturbing.

"Scarlett, he may get a couple of votes! I know it's not highly but he does have a small chance." Her lawyer informed her.

It was mid-April, and it had been almost four months since she had discovered about the affair that had been going on behind her back and she had filed for divorce.

The topic of finances had been easy to decide, both of them had their own fair share of wealth and they didn't mind the other's. Not to mention, having a prenup helped, a lot.

The only thing they couldn't get over was Rose's custody and her team of lawyers had suggested to take things to court but she had refused, not wishing to get things public.

Chris had kept in touch at the start, calling and visiting every now and then.

As the shooting of their Marvel movie had started, they'd both been busy but he'd always ask her about her calls with her lawyers and would check up on her before or after their video call meetings.

Scarlett was more than happy for having him around, given the fact that she was far away from her family, specially her twin brother and the fact that all their Marvel friends were oblivious to her situation, he was the only mental support she was receiving at that point.

There was a light knock on her trailer's door. "Come in" she answered the knock as her lawyers looked down on the papers in front of them.

Chris' head picked in with a sweet smile "hey, can I come in?"
He asked her with his fully grown beard that to Scarlett's point of view was a crime against humanity as it covered his perfect jawline.

She gave him a soft nod and he climbed the stairs to walk in, siting next to her on the small sofa.
He had a tray with two cups of coffe and some light snacks that he placed next to her laptop.

It was their break and they had almost an hour to rest before they had to resume with their over three hours long shooting in late afternoon.

He had decided it would be wise to take some snacks for her as she was scheduled to have an online meeting with her lawyers.

He greeted her lawyers with a small smile.
By the time being, they'd all come to know him and accept his occasional presence in their meetings and were actually happy about it as it seemed to help Scarlett relax.

Also, at times that they couldn't get Scarlett to calm down on a matter of discussion, he seemed to be their best chance to both calm her and reason with her.

As Chris settled completely and handed Scarlett her coffee, they resumed their talk.

"It says here that he will claim that due to your schedule and constant traveling, it's impossible for you to have primary physical custody."
One of the lawyers stated that got Scarlett furious.

"Well I've always been busy, haven't I? " she was irritated "it was ok while we were married, now it's a problem??"
She shook her head and turned away, puffing at the air.

"He says he's been taking care of Rose while you were on trips, and he thinks he can take care of her on his own" he answered back, a hint of stress visible in his voice and the others were looking stressed as well.

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