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Recently I've been feeling like I've lost my edge, so here's something different!?
A very short chapter to help me get back on track:)
Please think of it as an attempt to bring back some of the edge🙄
Hope you'll like it😅


A phone ringing had Scarlet and Chris groaning as they tossed in bed, tangled up in each other and the bed sheets smelling like them.

"It's yours" Scarlett rasped, rolling onto her back with a smirk as she watched the well-built body move around the moonlighted room in search of his phone.

He found his phone, and abounded on the floor, leaving him wondering how it had gotten there but refused to focus on that detail. His eyes found Scarlett leaning on her elbows as she stared at him, her chest barely covered with the thin fabric of his bedsheets, and just like that, he forgot the phone ringing in his hand.

"Chris!" her husky voice broke his tense gaze,  his eyes snapping to meet hers.
"Your phone! Answer it"
"Oh!" he looked down at the caller ID, brows jumping high at the name before he finally tapped the accept icon.

"2 a.m.? Really?" was his greeting, Scarlett chuckling as she let herself sink back on the mattress.
"Are you drunk?" there was a pause "send me your location" he demanded, Scarlett, having a semi déjà vu as she listened to the conversation.
Did everyone in his life call gin when drunk?
And who was on the other end of the line?

She watched him run around the room, putting on a pair of boxers and jeans while he instructed the person on the other side to stop drinking while waiting for him and he walked out the room with a shirt in hand, leaving Scarlett lost.

A few minutes later, Chris was back in the room with a bucket in hand as he rushed to Scarlett.
"Dinner" he mumbled shyly "We didn't get to eat"
Scarlett smiled, taking it from him as she sat up on the bed, covering her torso, and before she could ask, he spoke
"I gotta get a friend home. I'll be back soon. Promise" and with that, he jolted out of the room as if to escape any further questions.

She wanted to run after him, ask him what had just happened? Who was on the other end of that call?
But the smell of food that had just been warmed, had her stomach grumbling. So, as it was the only wise thing to do, she got out of bed, washed her face, and brushed her teeth before jumping back in his bed, turning his tv on and playing Lucy Returns, along with digging in the food to energize.

She had not worked out for a few days but a day spent with Chris had her burning more calories than a week's exercise.

So she gracefully munched down her food as she watched one of her favorite shows. Once done, she strode to the en-suite bathroom, to take a quick shower and search for a spare toothbrush that she instantly found and brushed her teeth, once again ready for bed, this time covered in a shirt and a pare of his shorts with her mind ready to be filled with colorful dreams.

The dark thoughts did try to creep into her mind but as physically drained as she was, she fell into a deep slumber and was soon reliving the feeling of Chris' body pressed onto her as they cuddled next to each other on a sunny beach, a far dream she had been keeping withing her heart for years.
A dream that recently didn't feel that far away.

She didn't wake up when Chris tiptoed in the room or when the bed dipped behind her, or even when he gently brushed a finger on her cheek. But she dreamt of him cuddling her as his scent filled the bed.

Chris laid awake next to her and turned on his side to watch her peaceful figure، his mind playing the past week in his mind.
The girl of his dreams was sleeping right next to him, what more could he possibly want?
He wanted this to be their routine. Their usual.
But he didn't know how to ask for it.


Feeling soft breaths against her neck, Scarlett's eyes quivered open to find herself rolled back on her stomach facing the window, a heavy feeling holding her down. Chris's chest was pressed to her bare back, his lips grazing the nape of her neck with his legs tangled between hers.

With a short glance at the nightstand, she found her phone to be sitting there. She reached for her phone and picked it up to find it was six in the morning. Rose would be most likely asleep, taking her afternoon nap and so she settled her phone down.

As a rule, she would never call Romain right after they would land in Paris, giving Rose time to get over her separation from Scarlett and the jet lag to wear off. A headache biting down on her nerves had her dropping her phone on the mattress and letting out a muffled groan, trying her best not to wake Chris up.

She heard him, not having realized he was awake but then he scooted away, his skin still against hers but giving her enough space to roll and face him.
Chris' blue eyes knitted to hers, the expression plastered on his face tired yet happy. His eyes slid down her face to her neck and traveled down the vale of her breasts

Scarlett nuzzled her face in his neck, face burning red as she was suddenly awakened and aware of how bare she was.

Chris drew lazy circles on her back, dropping one leg over Scarlett's to lock her in his hold as he breathed in her scent. The aroma was driving him crazy as the bed still smelled like sex, and he had to fight the urge to roll to his back and have her straddling him to ride him while he admired her from above.
"You smell" Scarlett groaned, pushing him away.

Not that it was irritating to him. In fact, it was nothing but arousing and she had to run away if she ever wanted to get out of his bed.
And so she pushed him aside and jumped out of the bed, "You need a shower!"
Chris groaned and dramatically dropped himself on his back "You could gimme a kiss"
Scarlett smirked and leaned down but before Chris could kiss her, she jerked straight and smirked down at him "You gotta work for it!" 
Before sashaying her way out of the bedroom and leaving Chris to drop back on the bed with a huff

He was tired, he had driven miles to a bar to drag a friend back to his place to the guest room so she could rest for the night. It seemed familiar, a few months ago he'd received a similar call from Scarlett, the beautiful woman he'd woke up next to that very morning.
Smiling to himself, he thought back to all the memories they had made in just a few months. They seemed to be closer than ever. the two of them had always shared a naturally strong bond; but it felt stronger, better.

As he laid back in bed, arms stretched on his sides and a lazy smile plastered on his face, he thought of their magical night. Scarlett's moans, how she would scream and moan his name or how she felt engulfing him. A few minutes of joyous reminiscing later, he jolted up as if stroked by lightning, remembering he had a friend in the guest room.
And so he sprinted around the room, looking for clothes to wear, and ran out the room, hoping he would be down before his friend would trance in the kitchen in his clothes, and Scarlett ran out of his house.

Frozen in his tracks, he found Scarlett sitting on a stool next to her, each holding a mug filled with what he could assume to be tea and chuckling along with each other.

His shirt falling to her thighs told him she'd most definitely snuck into his guest bedroom's closet. But that was expected, nothing out of the ordinary.
But he watched Scarlett gaze at her adoringly and she flung her dark hair behind her shoulder before continuing whatever story it was she had been telling Scarlett. And the blonde was eating it all up with so much enthusiasm that had Chris's soul screaming to jump in that conversation before it would turn into something he could never recover from.

Cocking a brow, he coughed to get their attention and watched both women turn to face him, Scarlett smiling while her companion wore a mischievous smirk.

"What's going on here?" he questioned dumbfounded.

"Well good morning to you too, darling"


I know, I know.
I need to work on bringing back the cliffhangers and plot twists
Working on it, promise

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