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So I have a mini surgery today(absolutely no biggy but I won't be able to focus on my phone so much) and I figured I'd just update a little early!


Scarlett was sitting on the passenger seat, looking out the window as the tall blonde next to her drove in silent. Rose was peacefully asleep in the safety seat settled in the back.

"Since when do you have a child seat?" She asked him with a sweet smile.

"Since you called for a favor." He retorted with a smirk.

They both fell back in a silent with Scarlett watching him closely, getting lost in her thoughts.

"So you're gonna meet him in an hour?"
Chris asked her and she could feel him frowning.
"Yeah, it'll just be dinner, nothing more." She reassured him with a soft smile.
"You'll call me when it's over?"
"I will" her smile deepened.

"So, you're not considering this a date?" Colin asked her with a shy smile.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't get my agent to let this go" Scarlett smiled. "I told you I'm seeing someone, can't really go around dating every other guy."

Colin nodded "Actually, I wasn't sure about this either."

Scarlett gave him a mock-offended look. "Well that's new!" She chuckled.

"Don't get me wrong though, you're really beautiful, it's just I felt I would always be intimated next to you."

Scarlett hummed "I get it, it's been an issue before."

"Yeah tomorrow works for me."

There was a pause as she listened to the other side of the line.
"See you then"
She ended the call with a smile plastered over her face.

Hunter gave her a questioning look "You're seeing him again?"

"Yeah. Just coffee. We're gonna talk about the SNL script."

"You gonna tell Chris?" He asked raising a brow.

"I don't think it'll be smart. I don't want to worry him for nothing."

Hunter hummed, his expression not approving at all.

Scarlett had been lost in her thoughts, staring at the blonde behind the string wheel.

"Some people say it's rude to stare." He chimed.

Scarlett chuckled "I'm sorry, it's just you're kinda too similar and different at the same time."

He nodded. "Well, you can practice your lines on me if you want."
He gave her a quick glance as she sighed.

"When did Chris even get here? I thought he was in LA." She focuses her gaze on him.

"Well, he saw the news a little past midnight, arranged for a flight in the morning and was here before noon."

Scarlett hummed. "And how is he?" She asked him, with a hint of penance.

"He's been locked up in his house." He replied sourly.

"You know I'd never hurt him, right?" She sounded worried.

"Hey, I'm not here to judge you. I'm just here to give you a ride to my heartbroken brother's house." He chuckled.

"Hey!" She gave him a smile and soft punch on his arm.

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