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"I think I better check up on Rose"
Scarlett mumbled, Lizzy sitting up instantly to let her leave but before Scarlett had stepped away from her, she called after her "Can I come?"

Scarlett nodded, stretching her hand to help her up on her feet and the two of them walked up the stairs, walking to the nursery to find both kids fast sleep.
"I'm gonna miss her" Scarlett whispered, stroking a loos strand of hair out of Rose's face

Elizabeth leaned against Scarlett, holding her close
She'd watched her friend go through it all, from her pregnancy to her marriage and the rough spots.

There had been one night when Scarlett banged on her door, cried in her embrace until she passed out and woke up the next day with a killer headache, stood up, thanked Elizabeth and walked out the room, spending the rest of the day with a smile plastered on her face and all her emotions masked. Ever since that night, the two grew closer to each other and eventually, learned to lean on the others shoulders at rough times.

Elizabeth had always envied Scarlett's power to keep her emotions at bay yet still always feared the moment she would snap. Not that it'd ever happened around her, but she feared the day.

She was the one Elizabeth learned from the most. How to keep her personal life away from prying eyes, never to give up due to one failure, how to set boundaries and fight for her own rights.

Seeing Scarlett vulnerable hurt Lizzy more than she could've ever imagined she would care for a costar.

"When is he coming?" She asked softly
Scarlett took a deep breath "tomorrow"

"You want me to come over then?"
Scarlett turned around, smiling at her before gently pulling her out the door not to bother the sleeping kids

"No, I'm fine" she spoke as she closed the door behind her "beside, aren't you going to spend some time with Robbie?"

Lizzy hummed, avoiding Scarlett's gaze

Elizabeth sighed "we got in a fight"

Scarlett nodded, walking down the stairs only to find the house empty, hearing noises from the backyard, they knew the kids were out playing

Scarlett pulled Lizzy to the kitchen, pouring two drinks for them "so, wanna talk 'bout it?"
Elizabeth nodded, sitting on a bar stool as Scarlett leaned against the counter

"We were talking about our date night, I felt like staying at home but he wanted to go out... I said no, he got upset"
Scarlett waited patiently for her to go on.

"Then he asked me if I'd ever want to go out with him? Like in public. Which I mean, is so weird? Like, we've been daunting for what? Six months now? And then he was like, do you ever wanna make us official or something. In an interview or on Instagram even. "

She rambled on "I mean, I was just engaged to Boyd a year and a half ago, then I was all over the news for being around Tom or any other guy they found me hanging out with. I don't want to be back-cornered like that again."

Her eyes glossed over "I don't want people talking about my relationship again" she looked up at Scarlett "if I could, I would lock myself and Robbie in a house, stay away from everyone and everything"

Scar understood were she was coming up, she'd gone through it all before, not to mention it had become her constant fear about her thing with Chris.

"Lizzy, they know you guys are dating" she tried her best soothing voice "it's ok to live freely."
She took a deep breath "I know I'm one to hide myself, but it only makes it scarier as time goes by and you'll find yourself hiding away from everything."

From The Heart~ EvanssonWhere stories live. Discover now