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"Scarlett, wake up"

Scarlett felt someone gently rubbing her shoulder and calling her. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at the figure.

"Oh, hey" she replied, her voice hoarse and deep.

"Come on, we gotta get going."
She looked out the window to find them already at the hotel and the cast was getting off the bus one by one.
Chris was standing with a sleeping Rose in his arms and the nappy bag was on the seat beside her.
"Their gonna deliver our luggage to our rooms, can you bring this?"
He pointed at the bag and Scarlett nodded.
She was still struggling to get fully conscious and was rubbing her eyes with her hand.

"Come on, you can sleep when you get to your room."
He held his hand out and helped her get up.
She took the bag and they walked out the bus in silent.
Almost everyone was silent, except for Renner and Mackie who were talking in a tone that seemed to be serious; something weird from both sides.

Scarlett looked at them suspiciously as they were waiting for their keys.
She was too tired and desperately wanted to lean against Chris but kept herself from doing so as she felt it would be awkward.
She turned to face Chris who was also focused on Renner and Mackie with a concerned look.

"Chris, what's wrong?" She asked.
"Um, nothing." He told her as he turned to face her but the questioning expression on her face told him he had to go on "I'm just worried about Anthony, I think something is off with the guy."
He sighed and Scarlett turned to look at them again.

"You wanna go talk to him?" She asked as she reached her hands to Rose in an attempt to take her to her lap so he could join his friends.
"No, if it's what I think it is, Jeremy and Downey are better help than I could ever be."
He mumbled as he shook his head.
"It's ok, I've got her."
He told her as he soothed Rose's back with one hand, the other supporting her.
She smiled and couldn't help herself any longer, she leaned against his free side as her daughter was resting on his other shoulder.

Chris chuckled at her movement and desperately wished he could kiss her right there. The hotel manager walked to them, greeting them and apologizing for the brief delay as he handed each of them their keys and told them their rooms were in two different floors.
"Our rooms are opposite each other"
Chris told Scarlett as he took both their keys.

She hesitantly pulled herself to stand straight and looked up at him
"I'm too tired to be exited right now" she whined and he laughed at her.
"You look like a nine year old who doesn't want to go to school" he teased as they walked to the lifts.

Thankfully there was two of them and each could bare twelve grown ups. Scarlett and Chris got in after RDJ and his family who had joined them earlier that day on the set.
Anthony M and Jeremy Renner stepped in after them followe by Sebastian and Chris H.
Benedict, Mark and Tom Holland walked in after them as they were all on the same floor and the rest would take the other lift as they were on the other floor.

"How come I'm the only girl on this floor??" Scarlett whined again. "I want Lizzie"
The men smiled and laughed at her.
"Hey there little missy, are you ignoring my beautiful wife?"
RDJ argued and Susan chuckled as she whispered to her husband to let Scarlett be.

"Well I would consider her if I wasn't too sure you were gonna keep her by your side every single minute." She defended herself and all of them sided with her.
"Well what can I say? She's the love of my life." He replied with an honest smile as he pecked her cheeks.

"Ok ok, keep the PDA to yourselves."
Mackie teased them and made the rest laugh.
As they reached the floor, they walked out one by one and we're all to exhausted to keep on the conversations.

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