
705 29 14

Short, filled with fluff, angst and some light emotional damage


"So you still have no idea about the next one?" Scarlett asked, pushing a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.
Chris nodded, "Nope. They ain't giving anything away".
"Ugh, that's not good. I haven't got a call to renew my contract or anything either. I don't think I'll be in the next phase" she sighed
"Neither have I. I think they're just keeping us in the dark"
Scarlett hummed, leaning down to wipe a little ice cream from the corner of Rose's lips

The three of them had gone out to get ice creams, Rose in her stroller, away from the prying eyes while the other tow pushed her around.
Having seen a couple of paparazzi lurking around them and snapping shots, they decided to walk back to Scarlett's house.

Considering Rose's departure, Chris decided they would be better off postponing their date and Scarlett had thanked him. Although, she would have rather much go out with Chris, preventing any dreadful talk or probable fight with Romain.

Their way back was filled with chatter and small laughter every now and then. Chris couldn't help the warmth growing in his heart as they easily talked about their worries. He had never experienced such a connection with any other significant parter in his past. Spending time with Scarlett had always felt natural, real and if he was to let his soft side take charge, meant to be.

"You know, if we stop working with marvel, I'll miss how fans ship us together" Scarlett admitted shyly, darting her eyes to her daughter.
Chris smirked, leaning down for his lips to level with her ear shell "Miss being shipped with me or getting to kiss me again and again?" He husked, sending vibration down her spine
"Don't do that" she whimpered, filled with emotions. If it wasn't for the constant fear of being captured on lurking cameras, she would be pushed up against him on her tiptoes in a hungry lip lock.

Chris smirked to himself, proud to have flustered the blonde now walking a few steps ahead of him. Walking to her side, he gently nudged her away to control the stroller. They weren't that far away from her house and hated leaving her alone with Romain but he had no other chance but to wait for the next day to come and Scarlett's text telling him she could go out to dinner with him.

Looking at her as she cherished her ice cream, eyes sparkling and cheeks pink, he smiled sheepishly, wanting nothing more but to curl an arm around her and kiss her all over, but he couldn't.

Having reached Scarlett's house, he helped her pick Rose up as he picked the stroller and followed her inside. Romain had yet to come back and Rose didn't hesitate to run to the tv room, sitting down to watch cartoons and Scarlett let her, giving them some time before Chris had to leave.

"So... I'll see you tomorrow?" Chris asked, hopeful to get a yes.
"Yeah. We can stay in or I can come over to your place?"
Smiling, he nodded "I'm a bad cook though!"
Scarlett chuckled at Chris shyly scratching the back of his head.
"I'll cook. We can go grocery shopping" grinning from ear to ear, she swung her arms around his neck "You know I like grocery shopping"
"You sure do" he smirked, arms snaking around her waist to pull her closer, leaning down close enough for their lips to brush against each other's "I'd love to see you facing around my kitchen in my clothes"
Scarlett chuckled "It's not going to be a romcom Chris!"
"Still, it'll be fun" he grinned as Scarlett dramatically rolled her eyes at him.
He pressed his lips to hers, kissing her softly, gently caressing her back as she tugged the hair at the nape of his neck.
"We'll talk tonight, right?" He asked, pulling back to meet her soft, warm gaze.
"Yeah, I'll text to" she smiled, watching him lean down to peck her lips before walking out the door, closing it behind him.
Now she had to make some smoothie for Rose, making sure her little girl got all the nutrition she needed and then all she had to do was to wait for Romain to get back.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

"You couldn't even wait to get divorced, could you??" Romain shouted at her, Scarlett's terrified eyes bouncing between him and the stairs as she was standing in front of the kitchen counter, afraid he would wake Rose up.

"You just jumped in his bed, right? Or did you even wait to file for divorce?" He barked "Were you his side chick?" He snickered "What will the media think of you when they find out? Or the court" he smirked

"They won't waist a second before giving me full custody" stepping closer to her, he pressed a finger against her chest "And to think I was worried I would lose because I slept around a few times!"
He let out a bitter laughter, missing how her eyes went dark

"You fucking bastard!" She half-screamed, pushing him back "You lied to me to fucking mess with me???" She shouted, the anger in her voice shocking the man

She had him walking back with every word coming out of her mouth, " Because unlike you, he is a gentle man, NOT A PIECE OF TRASH!"
She had tears in her eyes as she pushed past him, running up to her bedroom and locking the door behind her.

Deciding she needed to check up on Rose and simultaneously not wanting her daughter to see her cry, she took a quick shower to calm herself, meaning crying her heart out, before drying herself up and heading to Rose's bedroom.
Her daughter was sleep, thankfully.
There was no sigh of her having woken up but Scarlett blamed herself for not having checked up on her earlier. Romain had gotten back a little before sundown and purposefully ignored Scarlett up until Rose had gone to bed and he'd started yelling at her when she had gone to make some warm milk for herself to help her fall sleep.

Now having a headache, she wished she had gotten the milk but had to settle down for a pill before laying in bed and dawning it down with water form the bottle in her nightstand.

Grabbing her phone before getting under the covers, she had to swipe the remaining tears out of her eyes, feeling heartbroken.
She was filing for divorce, she had decided she was done with him for months but hearing she had been cheated on still hurt. Feeling unworthy, not enough and flawed, she clenched her heart as a sob left her lips.
What if she was stuck in a loop? If Chris would do the same? She could never, and by that she mean NEVER, get over the heartache.

Her phone vibrating caught her attention, making her glance at the screen to see she had a text from Chris.


She wanted to reply to him but couldn't muster the energy to communicate with anyone at the emotional state she was dealing with

I guess you're sleep
I just wanted to say I miss you
And I had a grate time today
We'll be back on set in a few days
I'm scared thing will go wrong somehow
But we can handle things
I'm sorry to bombard you with my worries
It's just that I really don't want to loose you
I don't think I'll ever recover
Never mind me
Sleep tight
Call me in the morning
Even if it's early and you think I'm sleep
I don't mind getting up to your voice🎶

Scarlett stared at her phone, tears rolling down her cheeks and lips curved up to a faded smile
Her heart was melting at his words
Seconds went by as she tried to convince herself to open the messages instead of reading them over her Lock Screen. Seconds spent in silence before he texted again

That was SO cheesy!
Just ignore it
Imma go to sleep now
Good night🌚

And just like that, Scarlett was left in the darkness of her bedroom with a love-blooming heart.

Tomorrow could be a better day.


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