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This is a slightly short one!
It's kind of wild-ish¿!
And I hope you'll enjoy it:)
Not much of a story here,... just um-steam?!


"You sure you're ok with me staying over? I don't want to be pushy or anything" Chris wondered aloud, looking at Scarlett as she took a seat next to him, pressing the play button on the remote.

"Chris, please! We've been over this! Rose is staying at Maria's and you spending the night is not too fast!" She rolled her eyes but had to bit her lip not no smile like an excited little girl.

Chris chuckled at her antics, pulling her closer to his side just to plant a heated kiss on her lips, a kiss she returned without missing a heartbeat. His hands moved to her hips, pulling her over his laps, one arm curling around her waist as the other held her head in place. Biting on to her lips, he had her moaning in his mouth as she rolled her hips, desperate to get any friction.

"Scar" he moaned as he felt himself get high with need, trying to hold her hips in place but she refused to let him take control, rolling harder into him, feeling his hard member.

"Chris, please" she whimpered, shy with need.
Chris stared into her green orbs, his heartbeat raising as he felt her thirst for him.

"What do you want?" He husked into her ear, taking her soft flesh in between his lips, teeth ever so lightly grazing her skin.

"You" she moaned, " Please"


Heavy breaths and flushed cheeks, she looked around the room for any sign of the man but was only faced with an evicted room.

"Chris?" She called out but kept her voice low, just to check if he was in the en-suite. Having heard no response, she stood up and walked to the bathroom, splashing her face with water to get  rid of the remaining sleep.

Walking down the stairs in a pair of short shorts and a t-shirt, her eyes glued to her phone as she looked over the pictures Cobi had sent her of the kids sleeping in a fort in her living room. Her chuckles echoed around the house, holding a tight grip around her heart as she felt alone. She'd offered Chris to stay the night, they'd watched a movie, a fluffy one for that and then they'd fell sleep.

At least, she had. Right on his chest, splayed out on her sofa. But then, she'd woke up to an empty bed, no Chris around.

Heavy steps took her to the kitchen, a warm aroma filling the void as the half empty coffee mug rested on the counter.

Scarlett's eyes glued to the mug, felt her heart warm as the realization settled. Chris had stayed the night. Now, her mind was flooded with the question of why had he chose to leave before she'd woken up.
Early meeting? Taking Dodger for a walk? Scot related emergency?

She had no idea whatsoever but if he'd left so abruptly, Chris must have had a solid reason and she would understand, Lessing the pain of being met with loneliness in the morning.
And sure enough, Scarlett heard the key swing in the door, followed by rapid tapping in the wooden floor.
"Come on buddy! We said we wouldn't wake Scar up!" She heard Chris whisper scream to Dodger, but he was already out the back door to her back yard.

"I'm up!" She let out a giggly squeak as her heart skipped a beat. Not a moment went by before Chris appeared in the kitchen, two paper bags in hand
"Hey! Why'd you get up?" He questioned, eyes studying her to make sure she was fine

"Felt lonely" she pouted, feeling childish yet not embarrassed to be vulnerable to the man now standing before her

Chris placed the bags on the counter before turning around to brush his lips on her temple "Sorry" he breathed against her skin "wanted to get you bagels"
Scarlett perked at that, looking at the bags as she bit down on her lip, making Chris chuckle

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