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Hey there everyone:))

Just wanted to say since Red (Taylor's Version) been out I've been a wreck, trying my best not to faint on the emotional rollercoaster that it is
And I highly recommend watching
«All Too Well🧣: the Short Film»

But anyways...
How you all doing?
Liking the story so far?

Oh, and about the last chapter :)
I don't know how to feel about everyone guessing it was a dream... I feel like I need to get more creative in cliffhanger writing😏

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Hearing his full name skip from her slightly swollen lips, in her deep husky voice was such a turn on for him that he had to stop everything he was doing, his tight grasp on her hips loosened and he gently pulled his head up to rest his forehead on hers, exhaling and biting his lower lip.

Scarlett pulled her gaze to meet his eyes, wondering what had gone wrong for him to stop so abruptly. His hands moved to her upper waist and pulled her up from his laps, placing her in a seated position next to him on the sofa.

Scarlett complied whilst looking at him dumbfounded, a glint of stress ran through her eyes as she stared at him, searching for a clue, any hint that would tell her what was going on.

"I'm sorry" he started, still not looking at her.
Scarlett frowned a little at his statement but let him continue.
"Scarlett" he sighed "if we go any further, I won't be able to hold back." He told her as he chuckled.

"Who says you need to hold back?" She teased him with a sly smile.

Chris turned around to look at her, then turned his gaze away and exhaled loudly, making Scarlett smirk again.

"Scarlett, I've been waiting for your divorce to be finalized to ask you out on a proper date; but seeing even your manager is trying to find you a date, I don't think I can wait that long."

He turned to look at her as she gave him a surprised look "not that I can't wait, it's actually not safe to wait that long, you're gonna slip away, again."

He told her and then reached for her hands, holding one in each of his own.

"I've wanted to ask you out since forever, surely longer than you can imagine."
He looked her in her eyes, giving her a pleading look "would you please do me the favor of joining me on a secret date?" He asked her.

"A secret date?" She asked him with one eyebrow crooked.

"Well, given the fact that we're on a Marvel set, if anyone were to find out, we'd be teased by RDJ, Anthony Mackie and Jeremy, 24/7." He chuckled and she joined him.

"Then I should be more than happy to be your secret date." She answered him and his face beamed with joy.

He leaned down and pecked her lips again, then pulled her in his embrace. She rested her head on his chest, inhaling his scent.

"You know, I can't get out of the date" she mumbled as she realized this could easily become a troublesome issue.

Chris let out a breath, puffing at the air.
"Yeah, I understand"

She pulled up to look at him, with an expression of shock in her eyes.
"You do?" She asked dumbfounded.

"Yeah, we'll figure how to handle it when the time comes." He told her.

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