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Hope you'll enjoy <3

As it turns out, having your new boyfriend's ex girlfriend swing their undergarments in your face kind of kills the mood for cooking him a romantic Italian lunch.
So, Chris and Scarlett had to settle down for a pizza and salad he had ordered and snuggle up on his couch while they watched The Office, since he'd been binge watching the show and she thought she could use a good laugh.

Chris had one arm wrapped around her, with her head pressed to his chest as she was resting against him and they were both biting into their pizza slices.
"Do you thing we could go on set together?"
Chris questioned out of the blue, "I mean, you know" he sighed "Take a flight there together? Get rooms next to each other?"
Scarlett tilted her head up to meet his baby blues "Rooms?"
"Yeah. I heard we're gonna stay at a hotel for rest of our shooting."
"Oh" she looked backed down at the pizza slice in her hand "I didn't know"
"It's supposed to be a surprise" he chuckled "Downey knew so he told me. In case I wanted to bring Dodger"
"Hmmm" Scarlett hummed, feeling slightly out of place before focusing back at his initial inquiry "You don't think it'd be... couple-ish?" She asked
"Yeah. But we are, aren't we?"
She heard him whisper against her hair "A couple I mean"

Letting herself deeper in his embrace, she smiled as he engaged het scent "Yep" she chirped, popping the "p", "But are we ready to tell?"
Chris curled both arms around her waist, holding her tightly and making her giggle "I donno. But it won't be that big of a deal you know" he tried "We'll get there together, and maybe have a chance at getting room near each other?"
Scarlett knew at heart that it wasn't anything out of the ordinary, yet she felt it would draw unnecessary attention to them. Either way, she wouldn't deny Chris the simplest request he had made, "I guess it won't hurt" she drew out the words hesitantly, but was instantly happy with her decision as she felt him relax against her.

"Do you have anything planned for us today?" She asked
"Well, I was wondering about the surprise you mentioned on our flight here"
"Oh" the sound slipped out as if she had been told there was a pink elephant spotted in the LA sky. Sluggishly, she turned around in his hold, eyes heavy "I wanted to set a picnic for us, but then Romain showed up and it kinda blew"
She pouted at him "I wanted you to come over to my place and have a nice dinner in my backyard, I'd put down a blanket and maybe we could put up a sheet and project a movie? Like... you know, they do in movies." She sighed "I don't know what I was thinking; really. I just wanted to make it special. To make up for that whole Colin incident."

Smiling warmly at her, Chris brushed a few loose strands out of her face "That's wonderful. Thank you for caring."
She shook her head, "But I didn't do it"
"You thought about it. That's what matters" his words warned her heart. "Also, you shouldn't worry about making anything up to me. I'm happy as long as I've got you"

Scarlett's ears burned red as cheeks turned pink, leaning to steal a kiss from his lips. The kiss was soft but as Chris pulled her closer to himself, their bodies pressed against one another and Scarlett fully shifting to straddle him, the kiss turned heated, teeth crashing and tongues in a tango battling for dominance. Scarlett let out a moan as he bit down on her lip, pulling away with her bottom lip trapped between his teeth.

The moment felt too much and Scarlett felt her arousal dripping from her heat, well aware that she had ruined her lace underwear for good.
"Was this part of your surprise?" Chris groaned "Your body begging me to take you?"

Feeling more vulnerable than ever, she whimpered at his words, nodding her head and grinding her hips on his, moaning at the friction her tight jeans put on her clit.

"Oh you're really gone, aren't you?" Chris husked, smirking to himself as a devilish ideas ran through his mind and his hands were fast to grip her sides, grinding Scarlett on himself and gloating at her falling stare, eyes dilated cheeks burning red with a strand of moans falling from her lips.

Pulling her shirt over Scarlett's head, he felt himself drooling at the sight, her black lace bra groping tightly at her breasts, her skin glowing and he couldn't resist but palm her through the fabric, making her moan louder and giving her the chance to roll her hips against him. But he wasn't going to have it at all. Clawing at her sides, Chris dragged Scarlett along his length, now hard enough to press against her covered core and Scarlett was now fighting for control, trying to roll her hips faster but Chris held her tighter, pulling her down on him and planting his lips on her neck, trailing wet open-mouth kisses on her milky skin.

" Chris, please" she moaned, devastated to move but Chris denied her the pleasure she was so desperately chasing. Chris wanted nothing more but to push her over to the couch and have his way with her, but he had a better idea.
" We should get dessert. How's ice cream?"

In a moment too fast for Scarlett, Chris had pushed her back on the couch and was walking to the kitchen, leaving her panting and bewildered.
" What?" She mumbled, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

" Chocolate or Berries?" He questioned, not even sparing her a glance as he walked to the kitchen.
"What the hell do you mean?"
She nearly screamed at him, not angry but stunned at the sudden change of aroma, cheeks still burning red and breathing uneven
"What? You didn't think we'd be doing it, did you?"
Chris gasped dramatically, annoying Scarlett further more "Get your head out of the gutter!"
And just like that, he was in the kitchen, leaving Scarlett fuming and frustrated, staring at her abandoned shirt laying on the ground.

She knew he was teasing, it was laced with the words as they left his lips, the very same lips that were trailing kisses on her skin, but he was playing a scary game with her patience, and she was planning on getting back at him but at that very moment, she couldn't describe her state as anything but blue walls.

"Hey" Chris caught her attention, smirking at her "Wanna watch the rest of the episode in my room?"
She nodded, huffing out as she grabbed her shirt and headed upstairs , "I want chocolate" barking at him as she strode up the stairs, the food long forgotten.
She couldn't believe she'd been left all hot and bothered, even so more surprisingly, that Chris could ignore his own arousal only to play a dirty joke on her. She played all the scenarios in which she would be taking revenge from him.

Sliding on his bed, laying down on her naked stomach with her head resting on her arms, she thought about whatever way she could make him feel the same. It wasn't fair, she'd made him stop before, like the time she told him to stop and answer a call. Rude.
But still, this time everything felt different. And she would get back at him.
Leaving her shirt off would be a good start.

Seconds went by and turned to minutes, Scarlett laying on bed and waiting for him to set and play the show on the tv; but she felt way more comfortable to get up and check on him.
And nearing footsteps told her she didn't have to.

"If you didn't bring me chocolate I'm goi-" taking a sharp breath in, "Oh my god" she shrieked, feeling something cold press to the skin right under her bra line and trail down to the small of her back
Glancing back over her shoulder, she saw a half naked Chris, dragging an ice cream filled spoon down her spine, his eyes glued to the growing raspberries on her delicate skin.

"Chris- What?" She moaned as he leaned down, kissing her lower back before licking his way up her spine.

Reaching her bra line, he looked up at her with hooded eyes, teeth biting down on the clasp of her bra and in one swift movement, unclamping the little material and pulling back to staring at her

"I didn't say we were done now, did I?"


Is This Weird?


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