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Apparently, I forgot to update•-•
Sorry for that!
And thank you for the messages, I'm doing a lot better now!
Hope you'll enjoy this:)


"Scar, you sure Colin is clear on where you both stand?" He mumbled in her hair.
"Trust me, he actually didn't want to date me!" She chuckled.
"Well that's a first!" He grunted.
"That's what I said" she chuckled again.
She could feel his body relaxing and letting loose.

Just then, a sound from the coffee table in front of them caught her attention as her phone started to ring.
They both turned their focus on it, Chris growling immediately.

Scarlett picked up her phone with shadowed eyes, this was not the best time to receive this call.

"Hello, Colin" She mumbled over the line.

Chris sat still as he wondered if she wanted get up and walk away to talk in private, wishing she would just talk there and then, seared next to Chris.

"Yeah, I saw the news this morning." She sighed before blurting "Wait, are you just finding out now?"
She went silent as she listened to Colin, humming softly with her fingers tapping on the phone.

She leaned back on Chris' chest as Colin kept going on and Chris wrapped his arms around her waist possessively.

"That's nice, thank you" she mused with a gentle and thankful tone.
Then she chuckled "Yeah, he's here."

"No, he did not like the articles"
She laughed and Chris smiled at the sound of her laughter, genuinely glad that they were talking about him.

"You don't need to apologize, he's not mad at you either. It was the paparazzis, you couldn't have seen it coming"
She was trying to reassure him that there were no hard feelings, but she did feel pained.
She'd been hurt by those stalkers before and she hated that they'd almost ruined something beautiful in her life again.
She snuggled closer to Chris as a reflex.

As she listened to Colin speak, she slowly pulled away and looked at Chris who gave her a confused look at the new distance between them.

"Well, maybe someday I'll introduce you to him" she winked at Chris and he grinned like a little boy.

If there was any chance of Colin not being onboard with Scarlett dating someone else, this wasn't the way their conversation would have gone and that meant their relationship was going to be friendly. He thought about how broken he would've been if she'd left him for another man, missing Scarlett's conversation with Colin.

"Thanks again, goodbye." Scarlett ended the call with a smile.
"He said he's been trying to get some of the articles deleted."
She smiled at Chris as she rested her head back on his chest.
"That's nice!" Chris was now really surprised, suddenly, Colin seemed like an amazing guy.

"And he asked me to apologize to my handsome blonde, saying he should've watched out for cameras".
Chris placed his chin on her head "Well that's really considerate!"
Scarlett hummed "I think you two would hit it off actually"
Chris smiled "Is that so?"
Scarlett nodded on his chest "Yeah, you'd make good friends."

Before Chris could say anything, Dodger ran in the house, straight to living room and jumped on the sofa next to Chris.

"Hey there buddy, what happened?" He asked as he patted his head.
Scarlett smiled and reached a hand to rub his belly as he laid flat on the sofa, his head resting on Chris' lap.

"I think their both tired" they turned to see Scott holding a yawning Rose in his arms.

Scarlett pulled out of Chris' hold and walked to Scott in silent.
"I think I better put her down for her afternoon nap, she's exhausted from the plane."

From The Heart~ EvanssonWhere stories live. Discover now