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Scarlett woke up as the rays of sunshine reached her eyes, dancing and tangling through her eyelashes.

She felt a sharp headache and groaned in annoyance.
Looking around the room, she soon realized this was neither her hotel room nor her own house.

She rolled to her side to find a huge, tall and muscular man deep sleep sitting on a couch.

A sweet smile found its way to her face, drawing sparks in her eyes.
Then her gaze fell on the nightstand, two glasses and a pill case next to them, she was more than sure that it was aspirin and she felt extremely thankful to him.

She bend her elbow on the bed to support herself and reached for the pills and took one, placing it on the tip of her tongue , then reached for the juice, and took a sip.

She laid her eyes on the man, admiring him as he was sleep on the couch, his hands crossed over his chest and his head dropped to his shoulder.

The couch would've been uncomfortable if he wanted to lay down; but it was even worst as he was in a siting position.
He hadn't even took his shoes off.
Noticing that, she realized how easy she felt.
Looking down at her feet she saw he had taken her shoes off.

She let out a happy sigh and placed the juice back on the nightstand, leaning back on the bed, she turned on her side and looked at him with admiration.

Then her mind trailed to her daughter.
Oh how she missed her, how she wished to have her little angel by her side now.
Then her trail of thoughts led her to her husband, their situation and his damn affair.

She didn't want to go through all of this again, specially now that she had a baby with him.
Her previous marriage had ended terribly, the entire media talking about how she'd been replaced before they'd even separated, how she'd been outdated by another woman.

She didn't care about them, at least, that wasn't her biggest concern at the moment. It was her daughter.

She wouldn't want her to know about this. There had been enough reasons for this marriage not to work out, they had struggled a lot and that would be convincing for their daughter when she'd grow up.

Truth be told, they had been separated for a while, since mid-2016, but she had found out about the affair recently, the worst part being that it had been going on for almost a year, meaning it had started months before their separation.

She sat up on the bed and took off her hoody, leaving her in a tight tank top and her jeans.
She let it drop down on the bed and laid her back on the bed again, facing the ceiling, still thinking about how she wanted to or would have to handle the situation.

The sunshine rays were floating on her body, her bare hands shining against the natural light.
She smiled as she felt the warmth on her body and looked out the window.

The view was astonishing.
She knew this already, it was one of the reasons he had bought the house in the first place.

Unlike her, or many other celebrities, he'd never really been into the extreme luxurious life style.
He had used his money to get whatever he'd wanted of course, but he wouldn't go further than that.
Others, just like her, would buy a new house every other year, new cars, extremely luxurious trips.

He had got himself just a couple of houses in LA and Boston, comfortable cars and that was it.
He would use most of his money to donate and spoil his family.
That was one of the things she adored most about him, he was so down to earth, so humble that sometimes she really wondered if he was real.

Then her trail of thoughts fell back on the track of her marriage.
Amongst all the questions in her head, a few seemed to poke her most, the ones she was trying her best to ignore.
"Why is this happening again? Is it me? It must be me when it keeps happening, right? How did I get myself into this again?"

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