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I just need to tell you all this
Whenever you see [SS], it means story's sake!
I'll be adding a few details of my own and needed to be clear about that!


Mid-May 2017
Scarlett woke up as two arms loosely wrapped around her neck, followed by sleepy groggy murmurs

"He loud".

She chuckled at her daughter's morning nagging.

"What is he doing?" She asked with a raspy voice.

"Make waffles."
The little blonde mumbled.
Scarlett smiled and raised her back to a seated position on the bed as she pulled her little Rose over her laps.

"Let's go check on him before he burns down the house, shall we?"

She whispered to her daughter as she took her phone from the nightstand, got up and walked out her bedroom to the hallway, where she could hear the muffled sounds coming from her kitchen.

She walked in silent with Rose's head resting in the crook of her neck, already falling back to her peaceful slumber.
She noiselessly stepped to her kitchen, watching the tall figure move around her kitchen to make pancakes.

"Morning" she spoke with a rather sharp tone, resulting to the man jumping out of skin.

Seeing his brown eyes widen, gave her the satisfaction of a good morning's start.
She laughed at him and walked to pour herself a refreshing glass of water.
She turned to be met by his intense gaze.
"What's wrong?" The words escaped her lips as an instinct.

He blew out his breath and walked to them, taking Rose from her embrace and walked to the living room, resting the sleeping girl on the sofa.
Then he turned on the tv and put it on Disney.

Scarlett watched him move around silently, no words spoken, he knew his way around her house too well.
She stood by the kitchen island, waiting for him as he walked back to her.

"So, how was last night? Enjoyed your date?" He asked her with a serious tone.

"Oh stop it!" She smacked his arm playfully
"You know it wasn't a date" she chuckled but he didn't share her level of enthusiasm

"What's wrong?" She asked him, worry taking over her tone.

"Scar, about what happened last night..."
His hands brushing the back of his head.

"Nothing happened!" She blurted and he only gave her a questioning look

"Really! I went to the studio, we shot the show, then we went to dinner!" She continued.

He reached for his phone
"There's something you need to see." He handed her his phone. She hesitantly took his phone, glancing at the screen.


"Scarlett Johansson was a guest on the SNL and has been seen with the SNL writer Colin Jost, after wrapping up the night. Page Six reports that the couple was kissing at a bar.
[SS] And she seemed to be joining him for a night ride, we guess the night doesn't end there!
A source also told us the two have been seen talking over coffee a few days before;


Scarlett's hands flew to her mouth. "Oh my god!" She breathed out "This didn't happen!"

He watched her closely "What exactly happened?" His tone was soft but his eyes told a whole other story. He hated seeing them toy with Scarlett like this. Again.
She inhaled deeply, not ready to speak yet.

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