
978 27 33

Can I give you all a little personal update?:)
I had two exams last week and they took quite a roll on me.
And then I got a little stray kitten whom I'll be taking care of for a few weeks until we can find her a home and that's been nice but takes much time and energy that I'm quite certain I'll never have a baby. ( I've always wanted to adopt, now I know I'll be adopting a +5-year-old)
Anyways, welcome to the land of sin.


Stretching her arms, Scarlett's eyes fluttered open to find herself alone in the bed, a thin gray bedsheet covering her up to her shoulder as she lay on her side.
The sun had settled down for the day-long ago, stealing the lights and leaving the room dark. The black bedsheets underneath her were twisted, leaving Scarlett tangled up in the harmony of darkness, her milky skin in contrast with her surroundings, as a cloud in the nightfall sky.

Waking up alone after an eventful afternoon, one that had her feeling thrown into dreamland, with Chris worshiping every freckle on her skin, praying her every sound, and encouraging her to fall over the cliff into a sea of pure pleasure, over and over and over again, had her heart sinking and her lips soon fell in a pout.
She couldn't think of any reason for Chris leaving her alone, yet she could think of a hundred.
Was something wrong?
Was he not happy with her?
Was that why he hadn't let her feel him?

Scarlett could still feel the warmth of his mouth on her center, after having begged him to touch her, her skin red with bite marks and nipples hard as a rock at his constant teasing, how his tongue would roll and roam over the bud, just like it had her clit.
She sighed, thinking of how he had his tongue teasing her, then his fingers had her screaming and begging to come, then it was back to his tongue to slurp her juices up and it went on again and again and again.
With Scarlett lying on her back, then on her stomach, he had her riding his face as she begged and screamed for release but Chris kept taking her to the edge before slowing down to merely licking her lower lips.

She rolled to her back, staring at the ceiling and thinking back to how she had reached for the waistline of his sweatpants but had been denied to go any further as Chris snatched her arms to pin them over her head, leaning down to press his lips to her ear, whispering an "it's all you" before sucking his way down to her chest and Scarlett was swirling and already chasing a long-overdue high.
It was wonderful, nothing less, a lot more.
But it had all faded into disappointment as she woke up in bed all on herself, his scent hugging her perfectly as she buried her nose in the pillow, inhaling his aroma.

Hearing footsteps, she looked up to the bedroom door, watching as his silhouette walked through the frame. She closed her eyes, trying her best to look sleep

Chris walked in with cautious steps that led him to the bed to sit on, facing Scarlett and gently brushing his fingertips on her golden strands, afraid to disturb her peace. Yet he knew he had to so she wouldn't have trouble sleeping at night.
Not that she wouldn't already, she'd slept most of the afternoon, and so had he. But he had to wake up and now he had to wake Scarlett up.
Leaning down, he planted a soft kiss on her hair before brushing his lips to her ear, whispering her name.

Scarlett slightly moved away, hating the ticklish feeling but still trying not to give away the fact that she was already awake.
"Scar, you gotta wake up" he whispered "You sleep any longer and you'll mess up your sleep routine" He knew how much her routine meant to her, everyone knew it.

Her eyelashes vibrating told Chris she was waking up, her eyes fluttering open to take in her surroundings before glancing up at him
"Hey", she rasped.
"Hi there sleepyhead" he grinned "How're you feeling?"
The smirk plastered on his face and the smug teasing in his words had Scarlett brushing nevertheless, she kept her expression static.
"Hmm, alright I guess" she mumbled, faking a yawn.

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