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Scarlett woke up to a light movement around her. She fluttered her eyes open as she tried to adjust to the rays of sunlight dancing through the drapes and found herself sleeping on Chris' chest and his hands spread over the bed on his sides.

She chuckled and turned her face to the door only to see her daughter trying to climb up the bed and an instant smile spread over her face.

"Hey baby, what are you doing?" She whispered as she helped her daughter climb up the bed.

Rose scooted close to her mother and buried her head in Scarlett's chest and mumbled "Miss mommy"

Scarlett took a deep breath as she pulled the covers over her daughter and enveloped her in her arms.

"I'm here baby" she whispered to Rose and rested her head on Chris' arm.

She ran her fingers in the blonde locks of her daughter, trying not to think about having to leave her with her father in just a few days.

She planted soft kisses on her hair and temple while her hand soothed her back and felt Rose relax under her touch, soon to be sleep again.

She looked at the clock sitting on the nightstand that showed her it was half past seven.
Knowing neither Chris nor her daughter would fully wake up before nine, she tried to fall back to sleep as well.

It took her half an hour to realize she wouldn't succeed in going back to sleep and decided to get a head start on making their breakfast.

She gently leaned Rose on her back and planted a kiss on her cheek.
Then she climbed of the bed and circled it with light footsteps to Chris' side.
She leaned down and planted a kiss on his jawline and whispered to his ear
"Please don't sleep in today, I'll get lonely" with a smile and straightened her back, admiring his calmness in sleep.

She kept walking lightly until she reached down the stairs and was sure they wouldn't hear him; then walked to the kitchen and started looking for pancake batter ingredients.
She smiled as she found everything she needed and instantly started getting their breakfast ready.

Normally, she would have very light meals in the week before shooting but considering how long they had been working, she thought a happy breakfast with her daughter wouldn't hurt her catsuit fitting.

She took her time to cook four pancakes for each of them, knowing she wasn't planing on eating as much but thinking she'd just share them with the other two.
Finishing her pancakes, she made a small bowl of fruit salad.

Taking a look at the time, she knew they wouldn't be up yet, so she took her time to set the table for three and smiled brightly at herself as she studied the breakfast she had gotten ready for them. Then she decided she wasn't going to wait for the two to wake up.

So she climbed up the stairs to his bedroom but stood still at the sight in front of her with her brows raised and lips curled up to a smile.

Chris was still sleeping on his back but Rose was laying on his torso with her head buried in his chest and arms spread over his shoulders.
Chris had engulfed her in his arms and his head was tilted down as if he had been kissing her head.

Scarlett walked close to the bed and sat on its edge, letting her fingers tousle Chris' hair with her other hand soothing Rose's back as she lingered kisses on her head.

Chris hummed in pleasure and his eyes fluttered open to meet her green emeralds and her melodious voice greeting him
"Morning, sleepy head" he smiled and raised a hand to curl his fingers around her wrist and took her hand to his lips, planting soft kisses on her wrist and palm.

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