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Scarlett was walking back to her trailer as she thought about checking up on Chris, but she felt it would seem awkward for the rest of their friends if she would be spotted.

Chris and Scarlett had always been close friends, they'd spent a lot of their free time together and they'd do their occasional movie nights too.
Of course anyone who'd see them or hear them when they would be planning their night was more than welcome to join them.
But still, checking on each other in the mornings, evenings or late at nights would be a bit different than their usual routines and she didn't want to bring any unwanted attention to them at the moment.

She was going to see him in a little amount of time, an hour and a half to be exact! She was going wait for their dinner to meet him and was gonna get cleaned up and dressed in the mean time.

Is this a date?
She asked herself as she stepped in her trailer and immediately kicked her shoes off.

The next half an hour went on fast as she took a quick shower and blow dried her hair.
Drying her short blonde hair didn't take much time and she decided to lay on her bed for a short while to get free of the sore feeling of her muscles.
It had been a long day of shooting.
Jeremy and her had to spend a couple of hours in the gym working with their stunts to get ready for their fight scenes.
Then they had to shoot one more scene that took them about three hours; hence, Scarlett had spent her afternoon from two to six extremely busy and active.

If it wasn't Chris who had asked her to get dinner with, she would've declined but she wouldn't mind resting her head on his arms or his all too warm and cozy chest.

Her lips curled up to a smile as she thought about him, his innocence eyes, his caring touch, his kissable lips, his well built body...
Oh god I'm in trouble!
She had to bite her lips to prevent her thoughts from moving further along, it would be too weird, too risky and too fast!

She was pulled out of her thoughts by her ringtone and reached out for her phone to read Hunter's name on the caller ID.

S: hey
H: hi, you ok? Everything fine with Rose and Romain?

S: yeah. Actually, I need to talk to you about that too.
H: that too?? There's something else?
He sounded confused.

S: yep. First things first, how are you?
H: I'm fine Scar, please tell me what's up, I'm getting worried.

S: nothing bad, really. The lawyers think it's better to take things to court. I'm thinking about it.
She told him in her thoughtful voice.
H: huh. Ok, that doesn't seem bad. Have they considered the publicity?

S: yeah, they've got some ideas. I'm not sure though, but Chris suggested I should sleep on it for a few days.
H: well, that's good. It's good that you've got a voice of reason there.
He laughed and Scarlett joined him with a chuckle, before her voice took a more serious tone.

S: about him...
Hunter went silent at once, waiting for her to continue.
S: I think we're starting to be a thing.

H: really? He asked you out?
S: sort of... I told him Bryan is trying to set me up with Colin Jost and he kinda got stressed, then he told me he wanted to ask me out.... We're getting together for dinner tonight; but I don't know if it's a date or not.
She told him in a lower voice.

H: well I'm guessing it's gonna turn to one either way.
Scarlett could hear him smirking over the line, making her frown slightly.

S: what's that supposed to mean?
H: well you've liked the guy forever, so I'm pretty sure you'll get a date out of this.
S: I have Not!
She protested and Hunter laughed, but then he fell to an uncomfortable silent.

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