
832 31 13

This is just cute
Like it's not even fluffy, just cute!
But there's Lizzy🍭
So, enjoy 💛
Also; no hate on the ex girlfriends,
fiancé or husbands!
It's all just fun:)


Seeing Scarlett all shy and bothered was a fun turn for Chris. Usually, she was the one teasing and making puns but since their morning exercises, she'd been quite, giggly and overall, acting like a teenage girl.

The breakfast was going on in a peaceful yet somehow uncomfortable silent. Scarlett was trying to distant herself from Chris while he wanted to talk to her about her day's plan.

He watched her take small bites of her beagle, short sips of her coffee while Dodger sat on the seat next to her, being fed a pice of bagel every now and then followed by "good boy"s from Scarlett.
He admired how free of a spirit she was, not bothered at all when the dog jumped on the seat; whereas his ex would've thrown a tantrum about a dog sitting on the furniture.

Smirking to himself, he stretched his arm over the table to pat Dodger, making sure to graze her shoulder, the shiver running down her skin stroking his ego and the raspberries growing on her skin, turning his playful smirk to a mischievous one.
Scarlett glued her eyes to her plate, biting down on her lower lip to keep her excitement under control.

"So, what're your plans exactly?" He asked, Scarlett not having to look up to know he was wearing a cocky smirk

"She's coming over with the kids, Zoe and Gwyneth are joining us. Also, Lizzy said she might come. I'm gonna bake cookies and cupcakes, Gwyneth is handling lunch with either Lizzy or Cobie which does not frighten me at all" she chuckled, Chris joining in as they thought about all the stunts the girls could pull up.
"The kids are gonna swim in the pool, play around, I don't know. There's gonna be more of them than usual, I'm relying on Zoe and Gwyneth on handling them, god knows Cobie's a child herself!" she sighed, her nerves getting the best of her and Chris had to reach over to hold her hand in his, giving her a supportive squeeze.

"How was Rose when you talked to her?" He asked, wondering if the little girl had missed her or not.
He'd wanted to talk to her over video call when Scarlett had called Cobie just before breakfast but it seemed forward and Scarlett hadn't mentioned him during their brief conversation that only included her asking Rose to wake up for breakfast as the little girl playfully refused to do so, making the blonde sitting across the man chuckle with her angelic voice, warming up his heart.

"Grumpy" she giggled "she'd been up till after midnight, didn't wanna get up"
Chris smiled "so she's had fun with Cobie?"
"Oh yeah! She lets the kid turn her home upside down, it's like a vacation from boring mom" she rolled her eyes pouting at herself

"Common, you're a fun mom" Chris cheered "You let her jump on the bed! My mom would've killed me if I did that"
Scarlett narrowed her eyes at him "So you're telling me you never jumped on your bed?"
"Oh I did!" He grinned sheepishly "Just not when my mom was around"
"So, you didn't have fun with your mom around?" The words felt heavy as they left her lips, Chris knowing there was more to it than just a wonderment but not knowing what it exactly was.

"Of course I did, Scar. You know how much I love my mom!" He watched his words brush a small smile on her lips but it didn't reach her eyes "Scar, what's got you bothered?"
Scarlett took a deep breath, not sure if she was yet ready to let out her secret.

"I'm scared, Chris" she whispered the words, a desperate attempt to keep their powers at bay.
Chris let her find the words, sitting patiently as Scarlett struggled within herself, finally mustering up the courage to let the monster out
"What if she hates me?"
Her voice cracked "What if she grows up and decides she wants to live with Romain? Or just away from me? I wanted to get away! I left, lived with my grandma. What if Rose grows cold from me like I did with my parents?"

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