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Waking up alone in bed is heartbreaking. Waking up to an empty bed after having spent hours worshiping the person you love is waking up to a nightmare.


"I'll be on my way in a few" Chris' words rang through the air as Scarlett ascended the last steps
"What?" She looked at him with lost eyes, Chris smiling softly at her as he walked his way to her
"You didn't think I'd be leaving you alone, did you?" He grinned, more proud of himself than he should've been.

Scarlett bit her lip, not sure how to respond. Letting him down was always painful. Now more than ever.
"Chris" she sighed, walking to him and cupping his cheeks. A smile ghosts over her lips as he looks down at her, their height difference always amusing to her.
Chris wonders at her, trying to read her but he fails. Or maybe, he wants to fail, scared of knowing the heartbreaking outcome.
"We need to have some distance." Scarlett's words prove to him he'd been scared and rightfully.

"Scar..." he whispers, wanting nothing more than hold her in his arms forever and truth be told, he was scared someone else would snatch her away from him like a thief would a diamond ring. She was his treasure. Their friendship had been one of the most valuable relationships he had ever had.
And now, her love, their relationship was at stake and he feared losing her in his life altogether.
Reminder, this is why we don't date friends.
The grudge in his head mumbled, Chris groaning internally at its sudden presence.

A soothing dance on his cheek pulled him away from the grudge, Scarlett's delicate fingers brushing his skin just soft enough to swipe the bad thoughts out of the way.

"It'll just be a few days" she whispered, a trick she'd learned would get him to focus "I have to head to New York for a few days and then we'll all be going back on the set" her fingers lined his jawline, biting down her lips to keep herself from attacking his neck "We'll be together every day"

Chris sighed, gently pulling away from her, only then noticing Scott had slipped away from them
"Yeah, I get it" his head dropped low, and he felt a wedge between the two of them "I'll see you in a week then?"

Scarlett nodded, dropping one arm to her side and the other hugging her middle "yeah, but just in person. We can video call and things, you know"

Chris nodded, humming to himself as he tried to shut the grudge in his head up. He took a step closing the gap between them, pulling her in a deep kiss. Scarlett's lips danced with his in harmony, arms curling around his neck. She let Chris' tongue brush hers, feeling the dominant side of him raging for release, making her moan into his mouth.
Everyone to know Scarlett for a long time knew how she liked his men. Tall, strong, handsome, radiating stamina, and demanding control now and then.
At that moment, she needed Chris to take control. She wanted nothing more than to let her mind free, and let Chris suck the stress out of her soul and that's when she felt it.
When his lips sucked on her pulse, she felt it all float out, in a moan that slipped her lips
Chris' lips moved to her ears, sucking on the lobe
"Chris... please..." she moaned and Chris took it as his cue to stop, but Scarlett's lips smashing against his told him he was wrong this once.
Scarlett broke the kiss only to pant his name, pushing him back weakly "please..." she breathed, looked at the door, "tell him to leave"
Chris's brows flew high, nodding as he walked to the door, the sound of Scarlett dashing up the stairs echoing behind him.

On the other side of the door, Scott stood with a smirk on his face, Chris mumbling an "oh shut it" as he saw the knowing smirk and the snicker but he laughed when Scott turned around and walked to his car. It was quite obvious that Scarlett wouldn't be leaving Chris' place any time soon.

And Chris walked up the stairs to his bedroom, his mind running a hundred miles but his heart steady as ever.
And he'd chosen to trust his heart this time, no matter the outcome.

From The Heart~ EvanssonWhere stories live. Discover now