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Here's a long one!
But before we get into it, I have a question for you guys:)
How do you guys feel about smut in this book?
Like do you guys want loads of fluff and a few steamy scenes or fluff, a handful of steamy senses and a little bit of smut? Or just a lot of them all?


"Chris, you all packed up?" Scarlett's soft voice rang through the hallway as she walked to his bedroom, right after making sure Rose was awake from her mini mid-day nap and dressed for their flight.
The morning had gone by swiftly, she'd spend most of the morning in the back yard while Rose and Dodger chased each other, then Chris had ordered Chinese along with salad and chicken wings for an early lunch. Then the brothers had headed to their mother's house for Scott to pack and Chris to spend a little time with Lisa. Scarlett had taken the time to put Rose to sleep, make sure to have both their stuff ready to go and take a shower. The boys had returned around two and Chris had gone straight to packing, not that he had much to pack considering he'd only flew from LA to Boston with a small carry on with his essentials.

"Yeah, all set to go" he said looking up from the flier where he was zipping his carry on, a smile spread over his face.
"Great!" Scarlett cheered, walking to his bed and plopping down on the mattress.
"Hey, um, can I use your phone to call Hunter?" She questioned shyly, Chris not hesitating to hand her his phone "Of course" Scarlett thanked him, taking the phone from him and dialing her twin's number
"I'm gonna get your phone checked tonight., already talked to a friend about it" Chris promised her, both smiling lovingly at each other
"Thank you" she leaned down to peck his lips before getting up to check on Rose in the guest room. Her little angel had the tendency to fall back to sleep and that was the last thing they needed.
Chris heard her footsteps mixing with her conversation over the phone as she greeted her twin.

Chris stood up from his spot on the ground, eying the room for anything left behind. Hearing tiny taps in the hallway, he looked up to find Rose running towards him "Uncle Chris! Uncle Chris!" She called out in her adorable little girl voice, earning a chuckle from the giant blue eyed in front of her. He crouched down to pick her up, swinging her around and filling the room with her laughter and squealing. He stopped when he saw Scott leaning against the doorway, letting Rose catch her breath and feeling his heart warm up as she laid her head on his shoulder, grabbing a handful of his t-shirt with her small delicate fingers. He soothed her back with one hand, holding her securely with the other.
"What's got you running here princess?" He asked, smiling as her giggles rang through the air
"Mommy tickle monster!" She squealed, both men laughing at her.
"You're safe with me princess!" He promised, sitting on the bed with Rose on his laps.

"So, her phone's still out of signal?" Scott asked, brows crooked and tone knowing.
"Yeah" Chris mumbled "I'll have it fixed when we get to LA"
Scott hummed, walking to where his brother was sitting and ruffled Rose's hair "You wanna tell mommy we're ready to go?" He asked gently, Rose gazing up at him with unamused wide green eyes. "I'll get you ice cream on the way!" Hearing that, Rose jumped off Chris' lap and ran her way to the guest room, leaving the men chuckling.

"So,... what'd you do to her phone?" Scott asked, sitting down next to Chris
"You did something to her phone. I don't know why, but I know you did!"

Chris rolled his eyes in annoyance "fine, I took out her sim but told her it's in it. A hardware thing and stuff." He huffed
"And..?" Scott encouraged him
"And?" Chris retorted, still annoyed
"Why did you do that?" He took a second before going on "I mean, this is crossing a line I've never seen you cross before"
Chris drew out a long breath "yeah, I know that"
He shook his head absently "it's just... there was this text and... I donnow" every word came out laced with irritation. "It hit me hard, I don't know what came over me but I deleted it..."
Scott's eyes snapped open "You? Deleting a text?"

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