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Scarlett was sitting next to Chris with Rose's head on her laps as the little girl was laying on the sofa.
Chris had one arm wrapped around Scarlett's shoulder while the other was tousling Rose's blonde locks. She looked down at her sleepy daughter "You wanna go to bed baby?" She asked in a soft voice.

Rose hummed in reply and rolled to her side, pressing her face against Scarlett's abdomen, getting a light chuckle from her mother and amused uncle.
"Come on baby, let's get you in bed."
Scarlett gently pulled Rose up to her embrace and moved to stand up but Chris brushed her forearm with his fingers before taking a hold of her "You need any help?"
She smiled at him "Not really, I'll just help her brush her teeth and she'll be fast sleep by the time I put her in bed."
He gave her an understanding nod but she could see a question in his eyes.

Chris had come home from his shopping to find Scarlett sleeping in the guest room with Rose and wanted to ask her if she was going to spend the night there as well; but he didn't want to seem pushy either.
He didn't want Scarlett to feel he had any intentions of getting between her an Rose.

Scarlett wondered if she should ask him what was bothering him but decided it could wait until Rose was peacefully sleep on a bed rather than on a sofa. She got up and climbed up the stairs to get her daughter settled for the night.

Chris stayed where he was, sitting and staring at the tv while his mind wondered to the women dressed in his t-shirt and how he adored her.
He knew if their relationship would be revealed to the public any time before her divorce, there would be too many rumors about them and at some point in the future it might give Rose the wrong ideas.

But now, news of her separation and upcoming divorce had leaked to the public, he felt more confident to take their relationship further; but he'd made her a promise and didn't know what she would make out of him breaking it.
Chris had been too deep in thoughts that he didn't realize Scarlett walking to him and standing by the couch.

"Chris" she called him tenderly.
"Hey, sorry." He pulled her to his laps.
"Are you ok?" She asked him while curling her legs on him.
"Yeah, how's Rose? Is she fine with the room?"
Scarlett gave him a sweet smile "She's deep sleep and loves having a king size bed all to herself" she chuckled and he joined in.
Scarlett rested her head on his chest and let her hands curl around his arm.

Chris, now having Scarlett too close to himself, let his eyes drop down from her neck to her shoulder and then her tights.
His breathing got heavy as he wrapped his arms around her body.
Scarlett could feel his body heat and the feeling of his breaths on her neck send shivers down her spine.

"Chris" she breathed out his name, her husky voice laced with want.
He only hummed and leaned down to press his lips on her jaw, starting a chain of lingering kisses on her soft skin to her neck while his hands grasped her waist, pivoting her body to make her back rest on his chest.
Scarlett took a deep breath at his actions and soon her lip was trapped between her teeth as she felt Chris' hand move under her shirt and brush her soft skin from her abdomen to breasts, his fingers fumbling with the hem of her bra and his lips traveling up her neck to suck on her earlobe.

"Scarlett" his throaty voice made her feel weak in the knees and a moan to escape her lips.
His hand cupped her breast over her bra as the other moved to her thigh, brushing his fingers on her inner thigh
"I want you, Scarlett".

She turned her face to meet his gaze, her lips slightly parted and glistening as she licked them with the tip of her tongue.
Chris could feel his pants tightening and Scarlett was becoming aware as she felt his stiffed member pressed to her ass.
He leaned down to trap her lower lip in his, sucking on the ruby flesh, as she snaked a hand up to his hair and tugged fiercely, pulling him down to deepen the kiss.
He pushed his tongue to her mouth, devouring every corner and battling her tongue for dominance.
He let out a throaty grunt in the kiss as she grind on him and pulled away from the kiss to purr with her husky voice "Take what you want, Chris".

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