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Surprise Chapter:))


Scarlett was deep in thoughts.
She was leaning against Chris who was leaning against the sofa behind them, a bowl of popcorn resting next to them as they were in the middle of their second movie for the night.

Chris' phone beeped and he reached to take it from behind Scarlett, resulting in him bending over her body and her breathing to get heavier.
Chris was oblivious to her reaction as he was reading something on his phone a then he smiled.

"Dodger has been using kids as sofa again. Their complaining."
He laughed as he read his sister's text and looked at the picture she had sent afterwards.

They'd been kind enough to take turns to watch after Dodger while he was shooting.
It was the first time Chris had left him behind since he rescued the little guy, thus he felt desperate to leave him at a kennel and his family had been kind to suggest they would look after the guy.

"You know, your family is just amazing."
Scarlett told him as he showed her the photo and she joined in the laughter.

"So are yours. Especially Hunter." Chris chuckled.

The two men had always got along pretty well and even kept in touch for watching games or having online games of their own.

Scarlett loved the duet, they were both by her side whenever she needed moral support.
The same thing went for rest of her family, they would always be there for her but Hunter and Chris would move heaven and earth and would travel countries to reach out to her whenever she needed someone by her side.

Chris had actually done that during her first divorce.
He had been shooting his first Marvel movie at the time the news of the affair was leaked out as rumors and he had called her to comfort her and then he had flown from UK to the States just to be by her side in her time of need.
He was on his days off and he had chose to stay by her side than to go to a trip or visit family.

"Scarlett?" She was pulled out of her thoughts as he called her. "Yeah?" She asked.
"Um, you ok? I thought I lost you."

She gave him a shy smile. "Just remembering you coming to check up on me while you were shooting the first Captain America."

Chris looked at her and then looked away, laughing.

Scarlett was confused. "What?"

Chris turned to face her again "I was actually thinking about paying Rayan a visit to teach some manners to the guy. Someone very persuasive talked me out of it and I decided I'd rather check up on you." He was smiling now.

She looked at him and blurted out "Why did you come Chris?"
She'd been wanting to ask that, always afraid he would tell her that's what friends were for.

"Cause my feelings for you go way before you could imagine."
He spoke under his breath and his cheeks went pink. She looked up at him, her heart was melting with all the affection in his eyes.

Scarlett reached out her hand to cup his face, pulling herself up enough for her lips to brush his.
Chris looked at her and smiled as their lips touched. They were still for what felt like minutes to them, gazing each other in the eyes.
Chris parted his lips and planted soft kisses on her lips, asking her to let him deepen the kiss.
Scarlett let out a small sigh, her lips parted the slightest, letting him suck on her lower lip as she turned her body and moved to sit on his laps, straddling him.
As she settled on his laps, the kiss grew more passionate and soon, his tongue was devouring her mouth and then began a slow tango of the tongues.

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