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First of all, thank you for the birthday wishes!
I love you all!
And secondly, Happy New Year! 🥳
Hope you're all having a grate time!
I'm in quite a stressful state rn, and it's not going away in the next few months!
So, I wish you'll all have an amazing, relaxing year full of new achievements and kindness:)



Chris sat fully clothed on his bed as he scrolled through his phone.
All his luggage was ready at the door, waiting for the reception to call him about their rides.
Scarlett's and his flight were planned for the day and they had almost three hours to her flight.
Chris' flight was planned for half an hour later as he wanted to make sure her flight had left before his.
Most of the cast and crew had left the previous day, it was the perfect opportunity for them to go for a walk or do anything together, but Rose had asked Scarlett to spend the night playing games, and unlike their usual routine, she hadn't been enthusiastic with Chris joining them, so he'd spend his last night with them, without them.

He wasn't going to complain of course, he gave them every right to want some alone mother-daughter time together, even though Scarlett had told him she would talk with Rose, he'd insisted for her not to.
Now he was going to call and inform her that their ride to the airport was waiting for them.

"Morning handsome" her raspy morning voice greeted him, a smile spreading over his expression
"Morning, you ready?" He asked softly.
"Yeah, I'm still sleepy though, and Rose is barely awake."
Chris could here her yawn, making him smile even wider
"Sorry" she chuckled.

"Well our ride is here, we've gotta get to the airport in an hour and a half. I'll take my stuff down and then come get you girls, ok?"
He waited for her respond
"we can take everything together you know? I don't wanna be too much trouble."
Her voice was shy.
"You are no trouble to me, I'll be at your door in fifteen, ok?"
He heard Scarlett hum in agreement and he ended the call with the same smile.

Scarlett was laying on her back with Rose's head resting on her stomach.
"Come on little one, we should get going" her voice was still raspy.
"I sweepy" Rose's voice sounded tired and Scarlett couldn't blame her, it was barely seven and they'd stayed up late the previous night.
She snaked her hands in her daughter's hair, caressing the blond locks softly.
"Baby you can sleep in the plain" she told her gently.
"I donn wanna gooo" she heard Rose whine.
Scarlett sighed, not in frustration but in pain.

She hated this part of her life, the part that would hurt her daughter.
She didn't enjoy dragging Rose to unfamiliar locations with her, but she couldn't resist staying away from her for so long either.
She let her fingers play along with her daughter's hair, not caring about the time passing.
A knock the door caught her attention
"Who is it?" She asked, not bothering to move.
"Can I come in?" She recognized the voice to be Chris'
"Yeah" she smiled as he let himself in.
She'd given him her extra key to the room the previous night, just in case she wouldn't get up on time.

He walked in, dressed up in the most casual way she could've imagined.
A tight white t-shirt and blue jeans, a NASA cap on his head.
"How many NASA caps do you have?" She wondered out loud, still laying on the bad with her arm curled around Rose
"Haven't had the chance to count" Chris chimed, walking to the bed

He leaned down to kiss Rose's cheek "morning princess" Rose giggled shyly and rolled to her side, burying her head in Scarlett's stomach.

Chris smiled and sat on the bed, his hand stroking Scarlett's cheek.
"I don't get a good morning kiss?" She pouted.
Chris leaned over her to peck her cheek, close enough to her lips to barely miss them.

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