Last one, promise.

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Chris and Scarlet were to resume filming their movies, Scarlet having divorced Romain would be ready to publicly date Chris.

But Romain had not left without a fight.
He had showed up at Scarlett's birthday party, fully aware of the fact that only close family and friends were invited. And that's when he decided to reveal one of Scarlett's secrets.

It had been a late night, she'd been on a break with Romain, in his room, crying, drinking, he'd been drunk. He was gone, but she wasn't. She was fairly sure he didn't even know who she was, he wouldn't remember in the morning. She'd been wrong. He knew it was her, he just thought it was a dream. She'd been right, he wouldn't remember in the morning. She moaned his name, let him consume him, take her the way he'd wanted for a decade. The way she'd wanted for a decade. Ever since that one time when they got drunk at the set of the perfect score, only to be caught and forbidden from spending alone time after shooting hours.
Scarlett had savored every second of that night, waiting for him to fall asleep while holding her, breathing in her scent. Then she'd got up, picked up a broken piece of her heart one by one, got dressed, and then left his room for hers.
Chris didn't remember any of it. He'd danced with random girls at a club the very next night. Grinding and clawing at them, the club had been reserved and private for the cast and crew, except for a few exotic dancer "guests". Scarlett had cried in a bathroom stall then sneaked out the back and straight to the hotel.
Romain had been awaiting her, drunk and angry.
The next day, she was drained, bruised and exhausted. And Chris, for some reason, was ghosting her.
Chris hated Romain. He hated that he had her.
Three weeks later Scarlett was lying in her bed, tears running down her cheeks. A pregnancy test in one hand.
She had talked to her brother over the phone. Bowled her eyes out. What if it was his? And she didn't even know which would be worse.
Romain was back in Paris. Chris was god knows where with whichever girl he was grinding against that night.
She'd only told her brother, no one else knew.
But Romain in knew, somehow. And now so did her family, friends, and Chris.
Hunter and Scott had taken care of Romain, he's ass had gotten what he deserved.
Chris was in Scarlett's bedroom, eyes bloodshot.
He'd demanded to know when she would tell him her daughter might be his. To know when had she planned to tell him about their first time? Why had she deprived him of such memories? Deeply, he knew he was bling him for his self having been that drunk as well.
Scarlett had broken down and told him she had been scared of any possible outcome. She'd taken every test she could. Rose was Romain's daughter. She'd felt belittled, knowing Chris had thought she would marry Romain not knowing the child she had been baring had not been Romain's.
The worst part of all, how did Roma know?
He had installed spying microphones and cameras in Scarlett's room. Hunter was the first to realize that. Lawyers were informed at once.
It took Chris a few bottles of beer and telling off from his mother and brother to cool off and move on from the incident.
And so, they let bliss begin.
The first few months would be heavenly, not to mention the last scene where she wore her BLACKWIDOW catsuit, then sneaked Chris into a room to make out with him on his Captain America suit, murmuring "If they couldn't have it on screen, they deserve at least one kiss off-screen" which didn't end with just one kiss.

Then the Covid 19 hit and Scarlet was going through with her projects, including preparing for the BLACKWIDOW movie.
The couple decided to quarantine together as everything was seemingly fine except that it wasn't. Scarlett had been trying to figure Chris out, just to find out what his plan was for their future. But every time she tried to get through to him, Chris would close up instantly.
This went on for months, straining both of them day by day. Chris's anxiety had been getting to him and he didn't feel like their relationship was one to last, deep down, believing he wasn't enough for her. Scarlet, on the other hand, needed the slightest thread of hope as to her and Chris's relationship would be one to last. She didn't necessarily need or want a ring, but she needed to know Chris was committed for life, not keeping his options open. She has a daughter who she needs to put first at all times and all costs.
At one point, they got in a fight, Scarlett telling him off and demanding Chris, to be honest with her and to just tell her where he sees them and himself in the future. To which Chris failed to answer and with broken hearts, the couple separated for a month, Scarlett asking him to think things over during their time apart, that if he felt he was not in it for the long run, she'd understand, and even promised to try to restore their relationship if he wanted a breakup.
Deep down, she knew seeing him with someone else would tear her apart, but she didn't want to lose him entirely, she'd been in love with him for too long to just give him up.

Chris went to London, where Scarlett would join him in a month. She had a movie to shoot there anyway. They had spent their time quarantining in Boston, so that had been a good time to go back to New York.

July 2020 - New York
Scarlett Johansson was sitting on an oversized sofa, her legs curled up next to her body, absently staring at the view facing her. The New York City light dangling beneath her. The living room lights were dimmed, allowing rays of moonlight to cradle the floor through the floor-to-ceiling windows, while her face was lightened by the phone in her hand.
People say a picture is worth a thousand words, what about a picture that throws a thousand daggers?
Straight. To. The. Heart.
Words like failure, heartbreak, frustration, irritation, and worst of all, being left alone again, danced over her glistening eyes.
She was frustrated, having just realized she had been in a similar loop without noticing it, and there, on her phone, was the evident proof of the repeated loop.
"here we go again."
She sighed again, dropping her phone on the sofa and placing her head on the back of the sofa, a lone tear rushing its way from her eye to her lips.

"Chris Evans and Lily James spotted together again amid dating rumors"

Alone, with Rose staying with Romain, she had all night to dwell on the piece of article. She had zoomed in and out of the picture of Chris, eyes teary.
He could've told her. He should've told her.
Scarlett had cried herself to sleep. Slouched on the couch. The continuous buzzing of her phone woke her up.
"My❤️" read the screen. Sighing, she stood up, leaving the phone to get buried under the cushions. She pulled her weight to the kitchen, stretching out the back pain. The bright light beaming through the window told her it was closer to noon than it was sunrise. She poured herself a glass of water, sipped, and gulped the whole glass before abandoning it on the counter. Then she heard it. The front door.
The key turned in the lock and the door swung open only for Chris to appear from behind it just in time as Scarlett stood in front of the door.
He'd mumbled a weak greeting, awkwardly explaining he'd tried to call her to give her a heads-up. She'd stared at him, eyes distant, before shrugging her shoulders. "Anything you need to pick up?" she'd asked, Chris had gone numb.
He rushed to her, grabbing her hands, and pulling her into a searing kiss. His heart fluttered when she kissed back, their souls clawing at one another.
He'd let go, and she'd fell to her knees, sobbing. Life had drained away from his entire being as he dropped to pick her up, scared of her not fighting, not pulling back. He took her to the couch, all the while mumbling peppering her with soft kisses.
She'd let him lay her down on the couch, looked deep into his eyes, and breathed out "You should go, it's fine. We can go back to being friends."
Chris had looked like nothing but a ghost. "Scarlett, please, we need to talk" he'd pleaded only for her to offer him a faint smile, "It's fine. You're not the first to get tired of me. You might've even lasted the longest"
And then Chris leaned back, took her in, all of her. How she was hugging herself, how she'd pulled her legs closer to her body, how she would've already disappeared from his sigh if she could. She was a black hole pulling her entire being into the void of her heartbreak. He hated every man who'd made her feel like that. He hated himself.
And so, he blurted "She's dating Dominic, Dominic West."
Scarlett's brows riser the slightest, Chris feeling a wight having been lifted from her. "She's dating, I was just hanging out with her as a friend. We weren't even alone, they just know how to take a picture to get attention" he hurried to tell his story, still crouched down by the couch. "Look, I've been in love with you since the night we went clubbing but you couldn't get in because you weren't 21 yet. I stayed behind because I had a crush on you. I would follow you around, just to keep you safe. I loved seeing you on set, two movies went by and I knew I wanted nothing but you. I accepted being Captain America in hopes of getting a scene with the black widow." he'd turned crimson red and Scarlett was smiling. "You're my dream come through, Scarlett. I've always felt you'll realize you're too good for me. I thought you'd get tired of me. If I had a last wish, it would be for you to love me." Scarlett felt her heart melt at his words. "Please, let me love you". He'd spoken his truth, every word straight from his heart. And Scarlett felt it too, deep within her, a whisper told her she could trust him. A whisper from her heart.
His eyes were glued to hers as he leaned down to plant a soft kiss on her lips, then snaked his arms under her slim figure, picking her up with a soft hum. Scarlett giggled, the tightness leaving her muscles as he walked her to her room.
He laid her on the bed, lying down next to her to lock his eyes with hers. One hand holding hers, fingers intertwined as the other one outlined her face, and floated through her hair, roaming around her body.
Scarlett let him take her in, adore and love her, now knowing he was hers just as much as she was his.
For eternity.

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