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Scarlett was in the living room siting on the sofa with a wonderful view in front of her, while her clothes were in the washing machine, and she was scrolling through her phone.

Chris walked back in with Dodger by his side, from their morning walk.
Dodger ran to her and jumped on the sofa, resting his head on her laps.

"Hello beautiful!" She greeted him with a huge smile on her face. She'd known about him since the day Chris found him, while he was shooting Gifted.
He had to loose some muscles for the movie, and as his next was planned to be a Marvel movie, he had worked his ass of to get in his magnificent Captain America shape again, hence the smaller clothes in the guest room closet.

They had been catching up since breakfast, she told him about shooting rough night while he told her about gifted, they had talked about shooting their next Marvel movie. All they knew was that it would be a very long shooting, from January to July, and the name was to be Avengers:Infinity War.

She had avoided talking about her husband and he had respected her enough not to push her to the subject. The only thing he had asked was were Rose was and she'd told him her baby girl was back in Paris with her father.

She had wanted to leave for her hotel as soon as she finished breakfast and helped him clean the kitchen but he'd told her he would check on the hotel for paparazzis and as it turned out, there were lots of them there. She then had called her assistant to grab her stuff and take them to her, after Chris had insisted for her to stay with him.
Her assistant had kindly got everything she had in the hotel and took them to Chris' house.

Scarlett decided she would change to her own clothes later in the day or maybe the next day, she was fine with his shirt and shorts for now.

"So, what should we get for lunch?" He asked her as he changed to a comfortable t-shirt and sweatpants.

She looked at him with a shy smile.
"I'm really sorry for bothering you, you know."

"You know I hate it when you do that!" He told her with a smile. "I've told you before, I'll tell you again, I'm always here for you."

She smiled sweetly but then shook her head as her smile faded slightly. "But won't Jenny mind me?"

She asked with a hint of desperation in her tone that thankfully went unnoticed by Chris as he was reading something in his phone.

He looked up from her phone to face her, although he had to tilt his head downward to look at her as she was siting on the sofa.

His expression saddened a little.
"We actually decided to take a break a while ago, hasn't been publicly announced yet, but yeah, it kinda seems like it's over."
He sighed.

She gently got up, careful not to scare Dodger, she reached her hands to pull him in a hug.
"I'm sorry." She whispered.

"Yeah, right!" He chuckled.

Scarlett pulled back to look at him, a questioning expression on her face. "What does that mean?" she couldn't help herself but ask with a grin as he was chuckling.
"I know you were never onboard with me dating her." He smiled.

Scarlett shook her head "well I just didn't think she was the best choice." That was true, partly of course.

Scarlett had always been found of Chris.
After her first divorce, he'd been extremely supportive of her, she'd always wondered if he felt the same connection she did but he never acted on it and she had dated Romain.

Of course, Chris had almost never been in a longterm relationship, that told her maybe he wasn't in the whole marriage thing, something she'd wanted since she was a young girl.

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