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Scarlett tapped on Hunters' name, finding a few texts and a link
Sighing heavily, she dreadfully tapped on it, waiting for the page to upload only to find a picture of Chris and her on their walk with him pushing Rose's stroller
The title frightened her, knowing it would only make the custody battle harder

"Scarlett Johansson walking her daughter on a date with MCU costar Chris Evans
The due have been rumored to be dating, raising questions from fans
Is the Captain America star the reason for Johansson's sudden divorce?"

"Fuck this" Scarlett groaned, heading to Chris' bedroom to gather up her belongings


"What's going on?"
Chris had just walked out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel around his waist and droplets running down his bare chest, only to find Scarlett scattering around the room looking for something, fully clothed and not his.
"Have you seen my keys?" she groaned, not batting an eye his way as she bent down to check under his bed.
"Scar, what's going on?" he asked more demanding than before but Scarlett was adamant about finding her keys, hand shuffling under his bed until she sat straight with her keys rattling in hand before she was up on her heels, ready to storm out the room
"Scarlett!" Chris somewhat snapped at her, now more angry than confused

She looked at him as if just pulled out of a haze
That's when he saw it. The color had drained from her face, lips dry and pupils dilated and eyes filled with tears
"What's going on?" He whispered gently, afraid to break her
"The court, I'm gonna lose Rose's custody" she sobbed, Chris fast to engulf her in his arms
"Why?" He whispered gently
"You. Us" she cried harder, Chris' heart freezing cold as he gently pulled away, pinching her chin to look him in the eye

"They're saying I cheated on him" her words were broken by her sobs and her arms latched around his neck as she rested her face on his chest
Chris could feel her tears run down his chest, his heartbreaking and anger rising within him.
"Call your lawyer" he demanded, pulling away from her "tell him we want to meet"
Scarlett watched him walk to his closet, changing into casual clothing

"I don't think we should go together" she mumbled, watching Chris scold her
"Ok, we can just call him"
Scarlett shook her head, tears rolling down her cheeks "No, Chris... we need to stop"
"Stop what?" Chris could feel his hurt clutching, the mere idea of losing Scarlett was too heartbreaking to endure

"I can't lose my daughter, Chris" she sobbed, hugging herself and her fingers digging in her flesh "I can't risk losing her... if they think I've cheated on him, they'll take her away from me"

Chris wanted to fight, fight her, the court, or Romain. He would move the stars for her if he could but if she was to break up with him, he wouldn't survive, he couldn't.
"So... we're over? Just like that?"
He heard himself ask and Scarlett's teary orbs snapped to find his and in an instant, she was in front of him, hands cupping his face and head shaking from side to side
"No, no no no no no." Her lips quivered "No, please no. I just need some time"
Chris' arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her into his body "You need time?
Scarlett nodded, pressing her head to his chest "I just need time to get Rose, just for them to believe I haven't cheated on him"

Feeling his soul settle back in place, he drew out a long breath as he hugged her close, inhaling her scent
The two held each other dearly, clinging to one another as if protecting the other from the darkness that was the cruelty of their world. The embrace was sealing a promise, one to be kept like an oath, that they would always find their way back to the others.
"Call your lawyer, talk to him, but don't leave" he pleaded, his lips planting kisses on her hair as she melted in his warmth.

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