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Quick reminder, no hate towards anyone.
This is jus a story.
But feel free to express your anger, the characters definitely deserve it.
Also, there's gonna be smut in a chapter or two and I have no idea how you're all going to react, so is there anything specific you wouldn't want to read about? Or anything you'd definitely like the story to include?
Let me know:)


"So, you called your lawyer?"
Hunter asked over the video chat while Scarlett did her makeup. Nothing too particular, just a simple touch to hide away her puffy eyes.

"Yeah. Told them Romain's planning to lie his way out and get custody. Ugh, I just want to get over with this shit. I'm tired of having to deal with Romain and his scumbag lawyers" she pouted at her twin through the tiny screen, Hunter struggling to decide if he wanted to laugh at his twin or comfort her.

"I'm sure it'll be over sooner than you think. And you'll get Rose's custody" he tried to assure her but neither of them believed him. Still, Scarlett smiled, nodding her head

"Now, tell me about mr. dreamy" he teased, beaming with pride as he saw her cheeks burning pink like a schoolgirl
"Shut up" she waved him off with the brush she was holding, almost done with her looks.
A simple eyeliner followed by mascara, cheeks tinted and just a notch of highlighter to bring out her perfect features. She turned her face around, checking both side profiles to make sure she looked as perfect as possible

"You're fine!" Hunter groaned "You look like you're being picked up for prom!"
It took her a second to turn to the screen, a smiling Hunter staring back at her "I like that" he said softly "You being happy. Like we were back then. Makes me happy"
Heat rushing all over her body, heart flattering, she had to swallow the lump in her throat "Don't make me cry now" she whined, voice shaky
Hunter had to take a deep breath at her cuteness
He was her twin, they'd grown up together, step by step, yet he felt like he had to protect her from the darkness surrounding her, away from the praying eyes
Not to mention, he had never been found of the men who'd dated his sister, but Chris seemed a fine guy. They'd been friends for a long time and he'd never hurt her. Then again, her high school sweet heart had been an amazing guy before going all the way to write a song about her.
He hated him!

"Hey" he called Scarlett as she tried to dry her eyes with a tissue, careful not to ruin her eyeliner and mascaras. "You tell him I'll kick his ass if he makes you cry!"
Giggling to herself, she rolled her eyes "I doubt that you could but sure"

"You're the worst" Hunter huffed out in annoyance before glancing behind his phone, Scarlett knowing what was to come
"You gotta go?"
"Yeah" he sighed "Take care? And call me when you get back home?"
"Yeah." She smiled, loving how he still pampered her "I love you"
"I love you too"

Hanging up, she was ready to head to the grocery store. She'd decided to surprise Chris by showing up at his door. Romain and rose had left around nine in the morning, giving her two good hours for a well needed cry over missing her little one and to rid herself of the anger she felt towards Romain. Or how heartbroken she felt about his affair and how he had tried to use her vulnerability against her.
Then she had soaked herself in a soothing, warm bath, gotten dressed and called Hunter as she did her makeup.

Now, she was standing in the vegetable aisle of the grocery store, picking up whatever green thing she thought Chris would enjoy munching down in a salad. She'd decided to cook him ravioli alongside polenta, spring salad as their side dish, one of their favorite red wines, and as for dessert, she'd decided to go with tiramisù's. Looking at her cart, she couldn't help but feel everything felt Italian, and wonder to herself "Italian's are romantic, aren't they?"

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