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Hope everyone's fine!
I know I've been gone forever, and I'm sorry
Here is a short little thing for now:)


His shirt falling to her thighs told him his guest had most definitely snuck into his guest bedroom's closet. But that was expected, nothing out of the ordinary.
But he watched Scarlett gaze at her adoringly and she flung her dark hair behind her shoulder before continuing whatever story it was she had been telling Scarlett. And the blonde was eating it all up with so much enthusiasm that had Chris's soul screaming to jump in that conversation before it would turn into something he could never recover from.

Cocking a brow, he coughed to get their attention and watched both women turn to face him, Scarlett smiling while her companion wore a mischievous smirk.

"What's going on here?" he questioned dumbfounded.

"Well good morning to you too, darling"


Scarlett had walked down and straight to the kitchen only to find the brunette pouring herself a warm and welcoming drink. Scarlett knew she was a food friend of Chris'. There had been some rumors within the group that she and Chris he'd been somewhat of an item at some point. Chris had denied it back then, and Scarlett had believed him as she always would, yet seeing the woman in his kitchen, wearing one of Chris' shirts and a pair of jean shorts triggered something inside her that started chewing at her nerves.
Turning on her heels, Scarlett was met with a smiling Hayley Atwell.
"So you're the reason he kept cursing me all the way here, huh?"
Her chuckles echoed through the room, but her smile had Scarlett soothing a tad.
"Tea?" she asked, Scarlett only nodding as she walked to sit on a stool.

Hayley poured her a cup of tea before taking a seat right next to Scarlett and placing both cups in front of them.
"I'm sorry to have interrupted your sleep last night"
She started
"I know I've been here long but I still don't trust anyone as much as I trust Chris. If I'd known he had a guest, I wouldn't have bothered him or you"
Scarlett stared at her in silence, still comprehending what was going on, but collected herself enough to nod along while the British kept talking, her accent taking over the room.

"But... It's nice to know he finally grew the balls to ask you out" the brunette chuckled to herself freely, Scarlett not sure whether to envy her free spirit or admire her for it.
Hayley stared deep into her soul as if trying to solve a puzzle and Scarlett felt unraveled and exposed.
"He did ask you out, didn't he?" Hayley questioned "cause if he didn't and if he's waiting for you to get pregnant or engaged to start pouting, then I'll beat his ass again" her voice was an octave louder and her jaw sharp
Scarlett let out a small laugh at Hayley's serious demeanor "again?"

Hayley nodded, flickering a thick lock of hair over her shoulder and breathing out a "yeah" matter of factly
"When?" Scarlett's voice came out shaky with laughter and Hayley smiled at her
"While filming Captain America, he got all alpha mad over the news of your-um" she waved her fingers in the air, "ungrateful husband" she rolled her eyes at her own words but Scarlett's smile told her it was fine.
"And on our break, he wanted to pay him to visit to wipe his bottom clean" she spoke the words making, Scarlett laugh but her widening eyes told Hayley this was news to the blonde.
"So, I had to sit him down and explain to him that you didn't need the media chewing your soul about your costar painting your soon-to-be ex-husband's blue"
She rolled her eyes but smiled softly as Scarlett chuckled shyly at her story

"Then I told him you'd be needing emotional support, and that having that guy on a hospital bed won't really help with that."
Scarlett gave her a smug smile "It could've helped a little"

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