Chapter 02

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|Mɪɴ ᴊɪᴡᴏᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ|

━━━♡I walked towards the teacher's room since I had to submit some of my worksheets to my homeroom teacher, Mr. Han.

I knocked on the half-opened door and Mr. Han called me in.

As soon as I entered I dropped the worksheet on the floor and widened my eyes. My lips parted in shock while I just stared at Han Seojun who was dressed up in the Saebom high's uniform.

What is he doing here?

Why is he in my school?

“Jiwoo, are you okay?” Mr. Han asked, snapping me back to reality

I nodded and bent down to pick up the worksheets.

“I came to give you this” I said, I handed him the papers and he smiled

“I will mark this and give it to you on Monday” he said. “Since you are here why don't you take him to your class” he pointed at Seojun

In my class?

I am so confused!

“He is Han Seojun, he used to go here but he was on a break for the last few months. And Seojun this is Min Jiwoo, you may not know her since it's only been 3 months since she joined this school”

“Hi” I whispered as if it's the 1st time I met him

“Hi” he responded

“Okay, so all the best Seojun I will see you later in your class”

Mr. Han bid us goodbye and we exited the teacher's room.

“I can't believe you are here. Yah, are you following me?” he asked causing me to chuckle

“You are full of yourself aren't you?” I smirked

I was about to walk upstairs but he grabbed my arm and pulled me into his chest. I got a hold of his shoulders and widened my eyes because of his actions.

I tried to get out of his grip but he didn't even budge.


“Just because we know each other from before doesn't mean you will interfere in my life like you did last year”

I smirked.

I leaned my face closer to his, causing him to leave my arm.

“Touch me again and I will break your face”

I gave him a fake smile.


|Tɪᴍᴇ sᴋɪᴘ|

I took my food tray and walked towards Yuri and her friend, Gowoon.

“Hey guys" I said, sitting In front of them

“Hi unnie” they both said at the time

I gave them both some of my side dishes, which they accepted gratefully.

Yuri never really had many friends but I am so glad that she met Gowoon. They both are very nice friends and thankfully she doesn't feel lonely anymore.

We all were having a conversation when the chair beside me made a screeching sound as if someone sat on it.

I turned my head in the chair's direction to find Seojun seated there.

I poked my cheeks with my tongue and kept my spoon aside.

“Yah Han Seojun! Go sit somewhere else”

“I am having lunch with my sister, you go somewhere else” he responded with a mouthful of rice

“Your sister?”

Han Gowoon...Han Seojun.

They are siblings!

“He is your brother?” I asked Gowoon and she nodded

I scoffed.

“You are so nice but your brother...” I trailed off into silence causing Seojun to scoff loudly

Everyone started staring at us.

“Yah Min Jiw-”

“I can't eat with people I hate” I got up from the chair, pushing my tray aside “It upsets my stomach”

“Unnie...” Yuri whispered but I ignored her

I got out of the cafeteria.

“MIN JIWOO” Seojun called but I didn't listen

I rolled my eyes.

“I AM TALKING TO YOU” He grabbed my forearm and slammed me into the wall

I wanted to kill him and rip his head off his body.

“You insulted me In front of the whole Yuri and Gowoon stopped eating because of your behavior. Can you stop behaving like this? You are making me hate you even more”

I scoffed.

“Listen to me Seojun. I warned you this morning if you ever touch me I will kill you... and trust me, I will”

We both stared into each other's eyes with nothing but rage. His grip tightened on my arms as my cheeks went red from anger.


We stumbled away from each other after we heard our principal.


We are doomed!!

“Detention for both of you. Go to the teacher's room now!”

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If you want me to add some scenes in the story related to Seojun and Jiwoo, let me know so that I can add them in the ff.

Love you 💕

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