Chapter 33

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━━━♡Heekyung decided to call Haewon to her cabin to talk to the girl about the situation.

The news was confidential and Heekyung could get in trouble for talking about it with another trainee.

But she couldn't keep it to herself anymore, the stress in her was building up.

And it wasn't like Haewon was just a trainee. She was like a younger sister to Heekyung.

“What's wrong unnie?” she asked the girl who was fidgeting with her engagement ring

Any person from far away could tell that Heekyung was under a lot of stress.

Haewon has seen the Lim girl under stress a lot of times. Since being a staff member of a kpop company isn't easy... but this time Haewon could feel that it was something serious.

“Uhm” Heekyung started with a sigh, rubbing the back of her nape. “Well basically, we are doomed”

The younger one tilted her head in confusion.

“I don't understand...” she whispered

“Do you know about the recent scandal from Yolo company? The scandal was about two kpop trainees who were dating each other before their group even debuted?”

“Yeah unnie, Jiwoo told me about it. Isn't Yolo company our rivals? and didn't that group disband before even debuting after that scandal?" She questioned

Heekyung nodded.

“Yeah. Ever since everyone found out about that scandal, the company has been at a huge loss. Many trainees left Yolo entertainment and joined some other one”

“Oh, but what does that have to do with your stress? How is it related to us?”

“It's not just related to us, the scandal happened because of our company!”

Haewon blinked in confusion, nothing was making sense.

She didn't understand how a scandal from another company, was related to hers.

And even though she didn't understand most of what the Lim girl said, she still got anxious.

“Unnie I don't understand...” she trailed off into silence

“Well, sir is in contact with most of the paparazzi from dispatch. He wanted to know and find out something that could make Yolo entertainment go through a huge loss”

“So sir spied on them through dispatch?” she asked, to which Heekyung responded with a nod. “Then what happened?”

“Then we found out about the scandal of those two trainees dating. We had proof since we had pictures of them. Sir got very happy since he knew that once this news goes online, Yolo entertainment would get in trouble. He didn't even think for a second before making those pictures go on the internet with the help of the media and dispatch”

Haewon was speechless since she had no idea that the scandal everyone is talking about these days happened because of her own company.

A part of her felt bad for those trainees that got kicked out. She can feel their pain since she knows what it feels like.

It hurts being so close to achieving your dream but then watching it go far away from you

But a part of her felt way bad for those members that were about to debut in a group with those trainees.

Because they worked hard and it all went to waste. Because of those two love birds, they couldn't achieve their dreams.

Haewon took a deep breath and shrugged off her thoughts.

“Okay” the younger one sighed. “So what's the problem now?”

“Well, we got a call yesterday from the CEO of Yolo entertainment and he said he is going to reveal a big secret about our company very soon. And because of this sir is very stressed” Heekyung finally revealed the reason behind her anxiety and stress. “They want revenge from us”

“WHAT?” Haewon yelled

“Shh” Heekyung shushed the girl, getting up from her chair. “You can't tell this is to anyone, no one can find out. No one!”

Haewon nodded after seeing the elder one being restless. But she knew this secret would keep her awake at night until she talks to someone about it...but she knows she can't, and she knows she won't.

She doesn't want Heekyung to get in trouble.

“Don't worry unnie, I won't tell it to anyone ” she reassured. “But how are you so sure that they have something against our company? Maybe they are lying to make us paranoid, stressed, and scared”

“I hope you are right. Because if they actually have something against our company, then we all will be in big trouble. Because there are a lot of staff members, trainees, idols in this company who might have a dark past, and if that gets revealed then we are doomed”

Haewon gulped down her saliva nervously as she watched the elder one talk. She really hopes that the Yolo entertainment is just trying to scare them because if they reveal something, it could get everyone in trouble!

 She really hopes that the Yolo entertainment is just trying to scare them because if they reveal something, it could get everyone in trouble!

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Stress! There is a lot of stress in the air of move entertainment...

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