Chapter 13

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|Hᴀɴ sᴇᴏᴊᴜɴ's ᴘᴏᴠ|

━━━♡I ruffled my hair and fixed my leather jacket in the TV's reflection. I smiled at myself and ran a hand through my hair again.

“OPPA!” Gowoon whined “GET OUT OFF THE WAY”

She cribbed since she was watching one of her kdramas. I rolled my eyes before sitting beside her instead.

“How is Jiwoo Unnie? Yuri told me she was sick” she asked with her eyes fixed on the tv screen

“She is fine” I whispered. “I don't understand her though”

“What do you mean?” she asked with her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion

“She was sick but she still overworked herself. She went to her job and then she went to move entertainment...I think she should quit her job, it will reduce the pressure she has on herself”

“Yeah but it's not like she has a choice...she needs the money”

“Of course, she has a choice” I corrected her. “As far as I remember her parents got promoted last year, I am sure they can financially support her until she debuts”

Gowoon tucked her lips in a straight line and closed the Tv.

“Oh so you don't know?” she whispered

“What do you mean?” I questioned

“Her parents passed away a few months ago... that's why they came back”

“WHAT?” I yelled “How? And why didn't Jiwoo tell me?”

She sighed.

“They had an accident and Oppa if I was in her place I wouldn't have told you either”

“Why? What do you mean?”

“You both aren't even friends, all you do is fight”

“I don't agree with you” I pouted as she rolled her eyes

“Why? Are you friends?”

I shook my head.

“That's what I am guys need to be friends to know more about each other. I am sure you haven't told her about how mom is admitted to the hospital”

She's right...I didn't tell her.

I shook my head.

“So what do you think I should do?”

“Just get to know her, she is your groupmate after all”

I hate it when she is correct.

|Mɪɴ ᴊɪᴡᴏᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ|

I plugged in my earphones and ran into the streets of Seoul. My favorite time of the day is midnight, that's when I go for jogging or a long walk.

For the past few days, I wasn't able to since I was unwell.

But now when I am all better I grabbed my earphones and left the dorm.

I was in between songs when I heard someone calling my name. I stopped right in my tracks and turned around, confused.

It was Seojun.

He came running towards me, he rested his hands on his knees and breathed heavily.

“What's wrong with you?” I chuckled

“Let's...go...for...a...walk... together” he said in between breaths causing me to raise an eyebrow. “I thought” he cleared his throat “That we could talk and spend some time together”

“Okay” I tilted my head “Sure”

We walked side by side, I gave him one of my airpod and we both listened to my playlist which was filled with kdrama OST.

He suddenly chuckled.

“What?” I asked

“You don't look like the kind of person who would listen to slow songs”

“Haha” I rolled my eyes and laughed sarcastically

After walking together for a few minutes, our feet stopped on their own when we saw the view in front of us.

The Han River was flowing under the bridge as the moon reflected on the water.

It looked magical!

This bridge holds a special place in my heart. Before we moved away, dad and I used to come here to talk almost every day.

There was a time where we both drifted apart. I got busy with school, and dad got busy with work.

But when he realized that we weren't spending much time together as we did before, he found us a spot.

Every time we needed to talk but couldn't because of our schedule, we used to come here and talk till late at night.

“It's so pretty” Seojun whispered, snapping me back to reality

I hummed and leaned against the bridge. After a few seconds, I felt Seojun staring at me.

I turned my neck in his direction and whispered “What?”

“Jiwoo, why didn't you tell me?” he asked

“About what?” I questioned

“About uncle and auntie...” he trailed off into silence

I tucked my lips in a straight line and sighed. I looked down before looking right back into his dark brown eyes.

“Neither did you tell me about Mi Hyang auntie” I whispered “I found out through Yuri”

“I know, I should have told you”

“I should have told you too” I said

“I am sorry” he said after a second “For being a jerk to you”

“I am sorry too” I apologized

He smiled and so did I, I awkwardly patted his back before going back to admiring the view.

He smiled and so did I, I awkwardly patted his back before going back to admiring the view

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