Chapter 12

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|Mɪɴ ᴊɪᴡᴏᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ|

━━━♡I sat down on the sofa, as Seojun told me to. I have never seen him this caring ever. Even if he was showing care towards me he would suddenly start calling me names for working out when sick.

Pabo!” he whispered under his breath

“Yah! Don't call me an are overreacting”

“overreacting?” he scoffed. “You looked like a zombie while dancing, you were that you went to your shift too,  are you crazy?”

“Stop yelling” I mumbled, grabbing my head “It hurts my head”

“Wait here” he said before walking into the bedroom

He came back with a pouch of medicine that belonged to Haewon unnie.

“I messaged noona before, she asked me to give you this syrup”

I shrugged off my shoulders as I chugged it down with water.

“Ugh! It's so bitter”

“Of course, it will be bitter, it's medicine, not ice cream!”

I rolled my eyes in response and leaned back on the sofa.

“I will get you soup, don't move”


After a few minutes, he came back with a warm bowl of tomato soup.

He sat in front of me, on the coffee table with the bowl in his hand.

He raised the spoon forward, bringing it closer to my mouth.

I chuckled.

“You know I can eat on my own right?”

He rolled his eyes.

“Just shut up and eat” he demanded. “You don't even have the energy to lift the spoon”

I pouted as he fed me the soup... it's been so long since someone took care of me. After mom and dad died, I have been on my own.

I forgot to take care of myself since I had Yuri and grandma to look after. Someone had to be strong, fate made me that person.

I didn't even have the chance to be sad since I had to be there for Yuri and tell her that everything will be okay when I myself didn't know how I will survive without mom and dad.

Seojun snapped his fingers In front of my eyes, snapping me back to reality.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked

“N-nothing” I stammered. “I am tired, I just want to lay down”

He nodded and slowly grabbed me by my arm and took me to the bedroom. I sat down on the bed as he covered me with the sheets.

I didn't even realize when I drifted off to sleep.

I stretched my arms as I got up from the bed, I was feeling much better than before.

That syrup and soup helped me a lot...thanks to Seojun.

Before going out in the hall I washed my face and got changed into a different pair of clothes.

I left my room and stepped into the living room as Haewon unnie pulled me in a hug.

“Are you okay?” she asked and I nodded

“Hmm...I am fine-” I cut myself off. “It smells so delicious, did you order food?”

“No” she chuckled


“See for yourself” she smiled

I went to the kitchen as she trailed behind me.

I widened my eyes in shock after I saw Daejong oppa and Seojun cooking.

They both were wearing matching aprons and singing along to the song that was playing on their phone, in the background.

I chuckled.

“Ohh, Jiwoo you are are you feeling?” oppa asked as he chopped the tomatoes

“Good” I smiled. “Do you guys need any help”

“Nope” Seojun said. “You are sick, you need to rest”

I rolled my eyes.

“I am fine-”

“Your voice is sore, your nose is red and your eyes are be quiet and let us cook” He gave me a sarcastic smile as I mocked him

“Okay, stop arguing”

With that being said unnie pulled me out of the kitchen and we waited for the food to get ready.

Within 15 minutes, they both walked towards us with cutlery in their hand.

We all sat down on the floor, around the table, and ate together.

And that's when I realized...this is what feels like to have people who care for you In your life.

this is what feels like to have people who care for you In your life

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Byeee 🤍

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