Chapter 06

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|Mɪɴ ᴊɪᴡᴏᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ|

━━━♡Come on, just tell me,” Seojun said for the 100th time causing me to groan in irritation. I tossed my spoon aside and stared at him with all the patience left in me.

“Nope,” I said popping the p. “Why do you even care so much?”

“Because Sunyoung is a jerk. I just want to know how you know him”

I took a deep breath and forced a fake smile on my lips “I don't care, I am still not gonna tell you and if you follow me one more time I will rip your head off your body”

He rolled his eyes before going back to eating his food.

I kept the empty food tray aside and walked out of the cafeteria

For the past 2 days, Seojun keeps following me around like a bee and keeps asking me about Sunyoung.

I have never been this annoyed with him!

I shrugged off my thoughts and decided to go to the garden but I was stopped by Yuri.

She grabbed me by my forearm and stopped me from going down the stairs.

“Unnie, please help gowoon” she whispered as tears formed in her eyes

“What happened to Gowoon?” I asked in confusion

“She is being bullied by some girls”

“She is what?” I yelled as my eyes widened in rage

She nodded “She is in the washroom”

I immediately ran upstairs and banged open the door to the washroom.

“YAH!” I yelled on top of my lung, they diverted their attention towards me. “What are you doing?!”

“Just mind your own business. Leave” the other girl demanded causing me to scoff

“Don't show me this filthy attitude of yours, Just leave the girl alone”

The girl who looked like the leader of the group stepped forward “What if we don't?”

“You know what? Fine, keep bullying her... I will get your homeroom teacher so that he could see what you are up to. Let's call the principal too, hmm?”

“Y-you wouldn't do that” she stuttered

“Oh...I will dare me”

They gulped down their saliva nervously and whispered something among themselves.

“Fine, we will leave” she grabbed her school bad from under the sink “We will see you later Gowoon”

As soon as they walked past me I walked towards Gowoon and grabbed her by her wrist, I pulled her outside the washroom and took her to an empty classroom.

She was crying, I stood Infront of her and gave her my handkerchief.

“Are you okay?” I asked

“Yeah” she sniffed

“Since how long are they bullying you?” I questioned

“They always bully me because of my face, and ever since I got the lead role for the chorus it's gotten worse...they said I don't deserve it because I am ugly” she responded

“WHAT?” I ran a hand through my hair “Listen to me Gowoon-a, don't listen to these girls, they don't know what they are talking about. They just want to bully you...but don't let them affect you, they think they are better than you, but they aren't. There is a reason why you got selected and they didn't, hmm?”

She nodded with her eyes glued to the floor.

I pulled her in a hug and patted her back in comfort.

“Thank you” she whispered

“It's okay...does Seojun know?” I asked and she shook her head

“he doesn't and please don't tell him”

“I won't, I promise” I reassured her and she nodded, softly

Within a few minutes, the bell rang.

She thanked me once again before going down the hall, to her class.

Before going back to my class, I went to the washroom.

Suddenly, my phone rang.

It was an unknown number.

I put it on speaker and kept it beside the sink before accepting the call.


Hi, Jiwoo. How are you?”

Anger fueled my senses when I heard Sunyoung's voice.

“How did you get my number?” I asked

That's not important Jiwoo”

“I am hanging up-”

No. No. No, don't hang up...I just want you to meet me near the karoke bar”

“And why would I do so?” I interrupted him

“Because you don't want me to meet your sister, Yuri”

“Yuri? How do you know about her?”

He chuckled.

“I know everything about her... trust me everything! If you are not coming today, then tell me already so that I can meet your sister instead”

I felt scared at the thought of Sunyoung being near Yuri.

I can't risk her getting hurt.

“NO!” I yelled “I will come”

“Good, remember to come alone”

“Good, remember to come alone”

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