Chapter 10

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|Mɪɴ ᴊɪᴡᴏᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ|

━━━♡I fixed my skirt that Yuri made me buy forcefully. When she, I and Gowoon went shopping last night they both shopped for me and didn't listen to me once.

They were way too excited.


I was about to enter the auditorium but my phone rang

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I was about to enter the auditorium but my phone rang. It was Yuri who was calling me.

I picked up the call.


"Unnie where are you? The concert is about to start"

"I am outside the auditorium, I am coming"

"Oh okay"

"All the best, love you"

Today was the school's festival. I got a little late since I was at the move entertainment since morning.

Yuri and Gowoon were performing in a few seconds and I was extremely excited to see them sing.

I entered and sat down In the middle row. After a few seconds, Seojun came and sat beside me.

I decided to avoid him after our awkward interaction yesterday but I realized that it's impossible for me to avoid him since we live in the same house.

We both just pretended as if nothing happened.

"I am so excited to see Gowoon sing" he whispered

I smiled.

"Me too"

Soon the lights went dim and their class came on the stage in matching outfits. Everyone started clapping, I could tell that Yuri and Gowoon were nervous since they were singing beside the girls who bullied them.

Seojun is still unaware of this.

I took a glance at his face and he looked very proud of Gowoon. He was recording everything on his phone.

His face

His hair

His abs

Stop thinking about his abs Jiwoo!

I shrugged off my thoughts and paid attention to Gowoon, who was singing beautifully.

Her voice was extremely calm and soothing, everyone in the audience was impressed, in fact, they all started clapping as soon as the performance ended.

I ran backstage to tell them how great they did.

"You guys did amazing!!" I said hugging both of them

"Thank you" they both said at the same time

|Tɪᴍᴇ sᴋɪᴘ|

Gowoon and Yuri went to play some games and I decided to go to the auditorium since there was another concert.

"This song was written by someone who you may not know, he was a star, he was many people's whole world...his death was a tragedy. This song is written by the late Jeon Seyeon" the student performing said

Jeon Seyeon...

Someone who I looked up to.

He was a kpop idol and we both were the same age, he gave me the courage to take my dream seriously

I used to practice singing and dancing to his songs. I wasn't in the city when he passed away but when I found out I was devastated.

I was getting emotional so I got up and left the auditorium.

I miss him...

I decided to go upstairs, to the terrace and reflect a little.

As soon as I opened the terrace's door I saw Seojun crying, miserably.

He was seated on the floor with tears running down his face.

"Seojun" I yelled while running towards him

I sat down on his level, I hesitated before cupping his face in my hands.

"What's wrong?" I whispered

"Why did Seyeon have to die? He was my best friend, he was like my brother. I loved him so much, why did he have to die. It's wasn't his fault, he never did anything wrong" he said in between cries

His best friend?

Did he know Seyeon personally?

I immediately pulled him in a hug, he clenched his hands around my shirt, pulling me closer. I was basically in his lap, I patted his back as he cried on my shoulders until he felt better.

Once he loosened his grip on me I got up from the floor and so did he. He was avoiding my gaze, he was embarrassed.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone" I whispered

He nodded with his eyes glued to the floor.

I couldn't leave him alone right now...I don't care if he is embarrassed but right now he is not in the condition to stay alone.

"Let's go" I whispered

We both didn't utter a single word. Even though he bought his bike we went to the bus stop since I couldn't risk him driving.

We both went home in silence, he went straight to his bed and fell asleep. After a few minutes, I changed my clothes and I went to sleep as well.

I hope he is okay

This chapter was a little sad

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This chapter was a little sad...

I hope you guys liked it though, don't forget to vote and comment ❤️

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