Chapter 08

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|Mɪɴ ᴊɪᴡᴏᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ|

━━━♡Today was the day when I was going to move into the dorm with Seojun, Daejong oppa, and Haewon unnie.

I stumbled into the living room with my big suitcase.

“Can't you help?” I asked Seojun who was seated on the sofa with a big smirk plastered on his face

“Nope” he said, popping the 'p'

I scoffed and kept the suitcase on the floor since it was way too heavy for me to carry.

I brushed my hands on my pants and walked forward, only to stumble on one of the cardboard boxes.

A yelp escaped my lips as I toppled over Seojun's lap.

He grabbed my lower back as I got a hold of his arms. I was way too close to him for my comfort but I wasn't able to move since I froze. There was an extremely weird feeling in my stomach which caused my cheeks to heat up. I gulped down my saliva nervously as my eyes automatically fluttered towards his lips.

“Oh my god, Jiwoo did you fall?” Haewon unnie asked while entering the apartment

We both were snapped back to reality, I immediately stood up and nodded.

“Are you okay?” she asked with concern and I nodded, way too flustered to say anything

After a few seconds, we all got busy rearranging the apartment, it was very small. There was only one room that we all four would be sharing. There were 2 sets of bunk beds, I and Seojun had the lower one while oppa and Unnie chose the top one.

“Do you guys want to watch a movie?” Oppa asked and we all responded with a 'yes'

“Can I choose?” Haewon unnie asked

“Yeah, sure”

We all sat on the sofa, in front of the small tv as unnie chose a horror movie to watch.

I smirked, knowing what was going to happen.

Seojun stared at the tv screen, before looking at me with pleading eyes.

He sat beside me and whispered “Jiwoo, ask them to change the movie”

“Why? I have heard this is a really good movie” I bit my lip trying to hide my smile

He clicked his tongue “You know I don't like scary movies...ask them to change it”

“Do it yourself” I said, shrugging off my shoulders

Han Seojun isn't scared of anything except horror movies. And there was no way he would ask them to change the movie since he wants to maintain his "bad-boy" personality.

“Do it... please”

“Please? Since when did you learn manners?”

He rolled his eyes “Ask them to change it and I will treat you to ramen”

“And ice cream” I added

“Yeah yeah okay”

“Unnie, can you change the movie? I am a little scared of these kinda films”

“Oh of course”

“Thanks” he whispered

“I didn't do it for you, I did it for the ramen and ice cream that you are going to treat me for your whole lifetime”

“Whole lifetime? That wasn't the part of the deal”

“Fine, I will ask her to play the horror-”

“No! Okay...for a lifetime”


|Hᴀɴ sᴇᴏᴊᴜɴ's ᴘᴏᴠ|

I rolled my eyes and I watched the couple kiss on the tv screen.

They both were enemies ever since they were young...and here they are kissing and proposing each other.

How is it even possible for two people, who hate each other to fall in love?

“Bullshit-” I cut myself off as I took a glance at Jiwoo

She found this movie so boring that she fell asleep... with her head on my shoulder and hands clenched around my arm.

I immediately looked away and tried to free my arm but she tightened her grip instead.

“Oh, looks like Jiwoo fell asleep” Haewon noona said from the kitchen

“Seojun, take her to bed and come taste this soup I made” hyung said

“Oh, okay” I whispered

I cleared my throat as I picked her up bridal style. Her face was in the crook of my neck, I almost dropped her because of shock when I felt her lips under my earlobe.

I kicked open the door to the bedroom and placed her on the lower bed.

I crouched down in front of her and looked at her sleeping, peacefully.

Is my heart pounding out of my chest because of Jiwoo?

Is my heart pounding out of my chest because of Jiwoo?

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I love y'all 🥺

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