Chapter 29

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|Tʜɪʀᴅ Pᴇʀsᴏɴ's ᴘᴏᴠ|

━━━♡Jiwoo leaned her head against Seojun's shoulder as the two sat together in silence. It was just them and the calming han river.

Ever since the two sat down at the slope, Seojun didn't let go of her. One of his arms were wrapped around her waist while the other one was resting above her knees.

Seojun realized that Jiwoo was getting anxious when they were in the small training room. He wanted her to be more relaxed and calm so he decided to take the girl to her comfort place.

Jiwoo recently told Seojun about how the han river holds a special place in her heart since it reminds her of the time she spent with her dad.

She misses her parents a lot but she doesn't know how to cope with it.

She doesn't want to talk about them or think about them since that would make her feel stuff she doesn't want to feel.

Jiwoo doesn't want her emotions to overpower her. She hates it when her brain stops working and her heart becomes in charge and starts making all the decisions.

Seojun took a glance at the Min girl's face. She hasn't said anything yet, she was just staring at the river with a thousand of words in her eyes but nothing on her tounge.

One of the other reasons why he made her come to Han river was so that she could talk and express her feelings... but she wasn't saying anything at all.

He was still unaware about the reason behind her anxiousness. He wanted to ask her a million questions, but chose not to since he didn't want to overwhelm her.

The reason why Seojun is so tensed about her is because when they were enimes, he always thought that Jiwoo had it easy.

He used to talk shit about her for being back in the city since back then he didn't know about her parents.

She was in a lot of  stress but he still kept taunting her...he feels guilty for doing that.

But now, he wants to know everything about her so that he doesn't make that mistake again.

He doesn't want to hurt her intentionally or by mistake.

“Hmm” she hummed, pulling herself back from the side hug. “So you have also started overthinking?”

Seojun blinked, smiling.

He was glad she finally spoke.

Jiwoo may be tensed but she could tell that Seojun had also started overthinking about the whole situation.

“No, I was just thinking about how you went red like a tomato when I said 'I love you' to you in the company”

She scoffed, shaking her head.

“I didn't go red like a tomato, you were the one who first confessed and then started blushing. It looked like you had a fever, you looked sick”

“I am sick...lovesick” he said, making a pout as an attempt to kiss her

“Ewww” she cringed, giggling

She playfully slapped her hand on his mouth to stop him from kissing her.

A smile formed on Seojun's lips as he watched Jiwoo laugh.

He was ready to make cringy jokes or be the clown if that what it takes to make Jiwoo smile.

“You need to improve your jokes” she said, nudging him in the shoulder. “And you need to stop being clingy”

“That I can't do” He said, holding her more tightly in his arms

“Aigo who knew you would be this cringy”

“Stop pretending you don't like my criginess”

Jiwoo looked down, chuckling and shaking her head.

“Just keep smiling like this” he whispered. “All of your anxiousness will then disappear”

She smiled, nodding.

Seojun kissed her on the cheek, patting her head with a huge grin on his face.

“Seojunie, I love you”

She said, giving him a peck on his lips.

“I love you too Woo-woo”

“Eww, woo-woo? Really?”

“If you can give me a nickname then so can I”

“But 'Seojunie' is cute, 'Woowoo' is cringy”

“Then what am I supposed to call you?”

“I don't know, oh!” she exclamaid when an idea lit up in her head “You can call me 'Minnie'. My ex used to call me that since 'Min' is my last name”

“Yah!” Seojun yelled. “Who is this ex of yours? Why didn't you ever tell me about this guy"

“I never said it was a guy” she winked leaving Seojun with a mouth wide open

And just like that two spent the night arguing, making cringy jokes and teasing each other.

And just like that two spent the night arguing, making cringy jokes and teasing each other

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I think we all need a Seojun in our life...


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