Chapter 19

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|Tʜɪʀᴅ ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴ's ᴘᴏᴠ|

━━━♡A lot of things were going on in Seojun's head, well Jiwoo was going on in his head. He couldn't stop thinking about her.

The girl he hated so much was now all he was thinking about. He was trying to convince himself that maybe it's just a feeling that will go away...but how will that feeling go away?

Whenever he saw her he couldn't help but smile. Everything that he use to hate about her, now he finds cute.

He finds her dressing sense cute, her short hair cute, her smile cute...he finds her cute.

"Hey" Chorang said, snapping his fingers In front of Seojun's eyes. "Are you even listening?"

"Yeah, what were you saying?" Seojun asked

"Forget it" he whispered, pouting "By the way, I have been noticing that from the past few days you are zoning out
a lot. Thinking about something or someone?"

Seojun raised his eyebrow at the sudden question.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean my friend is, that I think that you are in love" Chorang made a heart with his fingers and smirked

"Ani (no), I am not in love! I don't even like her-" Seojun defended, not realizing what he just said

"Her? I never mentioned anyone" the smirk on Chorang's face grew bigger

Seojun mentally face palmed himself. Jiwoo was making him crazy!

"I-I meant that I don't like anyone"

Chorang scoffed "I don't believe you"

"Well then don't. I don't care" he got up and grabbed his belongings. "I am going"

He left the restaurant not giving a chance for Chorang to speak.

"Yah! At least pay the bill- shit!"

|Tɪᴍᴇ sᴋɪᴘ|

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" The producer yelled, startling Jiwoo who was standing on the other side of the glass, recording a demo song

Correction: Trying to record a demo song, but she couldn't because of the overwhelming thoughts that were stopping her from focusing

"I have told you a million times already haven't I? Why aren't you able to sing this verse properly? This is how you will debut?"

He got up from his chair and threw the bundle of paper that was on the table, at the glass.

By this action, not only he scared Jiwoo but also Heekyung who was standing behind him.

"S-sir relax please" Heekyung whispered. "Let's take a break"

He didn't respond, he just stared at the 2 before stomping out of the room.

"Jiwoo, focus. Please" Heekyung stated before sprinting out of the room, following the producer

Heekyung was equally stressed as Jiwoo. She knew that she would get lectured by the producer if things get wrong.

She has seen many trainees getting scolded by the coaches or the mentors but since she had a soft spot in her heart for Jiwoo, she couldn't see her getting yelled at.

So while she was trying to cool down the producer, Jiwoo was panicking in the studio.

She sighed, removing her headphones and massaging her forehead with her fingers.

She chugged down some water before going over the lyrics again.

And again...and again...and again.

But she couldn't stop fumbling, too much stuff was going on in her head.

She wasn't able to focus!

And all of it was related to Seojun.

She leaned against the wall and tried to clear her mind. She knew she had to record the demo song today! And to do that she had to stay in her correct mindset.

But that was practically impossible with Seojun running around in her head.

After a few minutes, Heekyung entered with a look of disappointment on her face.

"He is on a call with submainim (sir) right now, he will be back in a few minutes. Until then please go through the lyrics and try to relax"

"Hmm" she hummed, with her eyes glued to the floor"Sorry"

"It's fine...are you okay though? This is the first time you have fumbled so much"

"I guess it's not my day" she sighed. "But I will try to do my best"
"You can't try Jiwoo, you have to do your best" with that being said Heekyung left the studio again, leaving Jiwoo alone with her thoughts

"What are you doing to me Seojun?"

"What are you doing to me Seojun?"

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I LOVE YOU ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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