Chapter 26

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|Tʜɪʀᴅ Pᴇʀsᴏɴ's ᴘᴏᴠ|

━━━♡Jiwoo and Seojun sat across from each other, waiting for their food to arrive. After their training session ended the two decided to go on a date...

Their first date!

Jiwoo was very nervous, she has gone with Seojun for dinner before but back then they were just groupmates... but now they are a couple.

After their kiss yesterday, the two only told their best friends, Chorang and Aera about it since that's whom they trust the most.

“You look very pretty” Seojun said, breaking the silence

Since it was their first date, it was a little awkward.

But it's understandable, Jiwoo and Seojun hated each other...and now they are dating, it's a big jump.

“Thank you-” Jiwoo cut herself off, gasping when her eyes fell on the couple sitting near the window

“W-what's wrong?” Seojun stammered in confusion

When Jiwoo didn't respond, he followed her eye line and that's when he saw Chorang and Yuri.

He furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion, tilting his head. “Isn't that you sister? What is she doing with Chorang”

Suddenly, it all started making sense. The oversized hoodie, the phone call, and the reason why Yuri was so nervous.

“She lied to me” Jiwoo whispered, shaking her head

“What are you talking about?”

Jiwoo explained everything to Seojun. He widened his eyes when he heard what she was saying.

“I was just irritating her yesterday, and before we went to bed she reassured me that it was just one of her friends who called her” she said. “I can't believe I believed her”

“I can't believe Chorang kept a secret from me-”

“That's it! I am confronting them right now”

“Jiwoo, wait no-”

She didn't even hear him since she was already on her way toward their table.

He covered his face in his hands and sighed.

She is feisty’

|Hᴀɴ Sᴇᴏᴊᴜɴ's ᴘᴏᴠ|

Jiwoo and I sat across from the two love birds, glaring at them. To be honest, I was very happy for Chorang but I was mad that he didn't tell me about his girlfriend.

“I was about to tell you...” Chorang trailed off into silence when Jiwoo gave him a deathly stare

“So how long has this been going on?” she asked

“It's been a week” Yuri responded

“We came here to celebrate our one-week anniversary” Chorang added, passing Jiwoo the red velvet pastry that he was enjoying before their date got interrupted. “Do you want some-”

He cut himself off after he noticed her another scary glare.

“Stop scaring him with your glares” I whispered, scooting closer to Jiwoo

She rolled her eyes, sighing.

“Why didn't you tell me?” she asked Yuri

“Well, you were already stressed out about the staff finding out about you and Seojun oppa-"

“Wait” Jiwoo and I said at the same time. “You knew about us?”

While Chorang covered his face in his hands Yuri nodded.

“Yeah...That's why I was teasing you with the questions unnie”

“I KNEW IT” I yelled at Chorang, slamming my hand on the table. “I knew you couldn't keep a secret to yourself”

“I tried very hard to keep the secret to myself...but Yuri is very intelligent, she guessed it” Chorang said, making an excuse

“I guessed it?” Yuri questioned, furrowing her eyebrows together in confusion “You told me on your own-”

“Whatever may be the reason” Chorang interrupted her. “But at least we all are together, having fun...aren't we Jiwoo?”

For the first time I saw Chorang so scared...that too of Jiwoo.

“How can I trust you with my sister?” she asked, folding her arms above her chest. “How do I know you won't break her heart?”

“Unnie!” Yuri protested. “Why are you asking such questions? I am not asking Seojun Oppa anything about this, am I? shouldn't either”

“Well I am your elder sister and if you want to ask Seojun anything...go ahead”

“W-what? W-ait-” I said, flusteredly

“Fine then” Yuri said, pointing her finger at me. “Come with me”

She got up from her chair, walking towards the other side of the restaurant

“B-but I-” I hesitated, getting up from my chair slowly, following Yuri

Did Jiwoo really give Yuri the idea to interrogate me?

Gosh, the whole Min family is weird...

A/nThe two best friends are about to get interrogated by the Min sisters😵

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The two best friends are about to get interrogated by the Min sisters😵

I feel bad for them...

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